I knock and enter Marco's room without waiting for a reply, making me pause.

Damn boys are rubbing off on me.

Marco is in his bathroom still, so I tuck myself under the covers and watch TikTok on my phone. When he finally does come out, I look up to see we are wearing the same thing. I snort to myself before putting my phone down and scooting over on the bed.

"What?" He questions looking down at his outfit self-consciously.

"It's nothing. We are just wearing the same articles of clothing in the same color." I reply with a little smile.

He nods his head before getting into the bed and pulling me closer to him, almost like I was a teddy bear, and he was trying to protect me from the real world.

Awww he needs a teddy bear-

The effect was almost immediate. The man was out like a light.

I soon drift off after him.


I wake up to muffled noises from the hall. It sounded like people were yelling, but I couldn't properly comprehend what they were saying.

It didn't sound too important.

I'll just go back to sleep.



The door opens aggressively and someone comes over and starts shaking Marco, who I knew was awake because he started groaning at the loud noises about a minute ago. "Wake up you oaf, we can't find Ryan." The person who was speaking sounded frantic.

"Shut up idiot. Everything is fine. Ryan is fine." Marco rotates his body a little bit so he can face the intruder.

"We don't even know where she is, and you are saying she is fine!?" The person is now practically yelling now.

Can this man really not see me?

Am I really that small next to my giant of a brother?

You know what?

I'm just going to say that blankets swallowed me and that is why he couldn't see me.

"Bro calm down." Marco says in a sleepy voice with a yawn. He lifts up the blankets I was tucked under to reveal...me. With my eyes closed because sleep. "She is right here. Safe and sound. Now go away you disrupted nap time."

"Why do you get to take naps with her first?" The voice sound aggravated, annoyed, and offended.

Oh shit.

I know the voice now.

"Maybe if you stopped acting like such an asshole to her she might cuddle you too. I must say, she is quite warm. Now go away and tell everyone that she is safe and sound."

The voice stomps out of the room angrily muttering some very colorful words underneath his breath as he closes the door not so softly.

I shift around a little bit to get comfier.

"Go back to sleep sorellina."

(Little sister)

"That's the plan." I mumble back already half asleep before I fall asleep completely.


"Look they are so cute!"

"Take a picture to send to papa!"

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