Marry Me

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Andi was on the phone with Jaz, Danni, and Fatima, something they hadn't done in a while. Fatima had initiated the conference call because she missed her girls something awful. They had been on the phone for the last thirty minutes.
"Tima, me, and Rocko will be up to the hospital this weekend. I have to admit that you are so strong, I mean pregnant and all. Girl, you are such an inspiration to me." Jaz was choking up as everyone agreed with her.
"Andi, what are you doing?" Danni asked her cousin. "I hear lots of banging and shit."
"I told you, I'm fixing dinner. Me and Amp are supposed to have our 'talk' tonight."
"What are we having?" Fatima wanted to know. "Make sure I get a plate, please, ma'am."

"I got you. You know I'ma hook my sister up," Andi stated matter-of-factly.
"So ..." Fatima continued. "What are we having?"
Andi smiled. "Baked macaroni and cheese, stuffed Cornish hens, fresh string beans, tossed salad, and dinner rolls."
"Oh my God. I might have to come get me a plate tonight," Fatima teased. "What about dessert?"
"Now, that I don't know. Amp is bringing that home. I'm just hoping that we can straighten this shit out tonight. It's been crazy around here. Y'all wouldn't even believe it if I told y'all."
"Oh yes, we would," they all chimed in.
"Hold on, y'all. Someone is trying to get through." Andi clicked over. "Hello."

"Hi, Red."
"A'Mani, what's up? I miss you," Andi squealed.
"I need to come over to spend the night."
"Now? What's so important?"
"I gotta surprise for you. I gotta show you sumthin." He giggled.
"What is it?" Andi prodded.
"Reeeed," he whined. "I told you it's a surprise. Can you come and get me now?"
"I'm in the middle of cooking dinner for your father."
"Well, can he come and get me?" A'Mani was not giving up.
"He's not here. Let me speak to your mother. Did she say you could come?"

"Uh-huh. Maaaaa! Come get the phone," A'Mani yelled. "It's Red."
"A'Mani, if you don't clean up that mess you made, you won't be going anywhere but to your room and that PlayStation will be coming out," Andi heard Bianca yelling in the background.
"Red, come and get me," whispered A'Mani into the phone.
"I got you."
Bianca snatched the phone from Mani. "I swear, that boy is going to drive me to drink. He has a surprise for you and he's been talking about it all day. But I'm not coming back out. So he figured he'd get you to come and get him."
"I'm cooking but I'll call Amp and have him swing by and scoop him up."

"That's fine with me. And thanks again, Andi, for talking to Amp for me."
"Girl, you already thanked me a zillion times. It's all good. Tell Mani I'm getting ready to call his dad and to be ready."
"He's been ready for hours."
Andi laughed. "Okay, then." She clicked back over to her girls. "Ladies, I love you all but my stepson needs me. And can I get some texts from you queens sometimes? I mean, I hit y'all up and y'all don't even bother to respond."
"Whatever," Jaz snapped.
"She's talking about you." Fatima laughed.

"She knows it. I love y'all." Andi hung up and called Amp.
"It's me. We have an unexpected dinner guest for tonight and he needs the car to come by and pick him up."
"Car? I'm not no damned chauffeur. That lil' nigga!" Amp automatically knew who it was. "Man, how are we supposed to be fuckin' tonight with that lil' nigga running around?"
"Who said anything about fucking?"
"Red, yo. Don't start no bullshit." Amp was seeing his little plan crumble right before his eyes."

"We are supposed to have dinner and talk, honey, remember?"
"Don't honey me, Red. We were supposed to finish off what we started earlier," he snapped.
"Says who, Amp? Our issues aren't going to disappear just because the King wants to fuck." She heard him mumbling but couldn't make out the words. "If we are not going to get to the bottom of these issues we're having, then just drop Mani off and do what you've been doing. Staying the fuck away!" She hung up on him, threw the phone on the sofa, and began pacing the floor. Angry. Angry that she allowed him to piss her off once again. And to think that she almost gave him some pussy."

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