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Zac came back over. "You ready?" He looked at Andi and then back at Fatima. "What's your friend's name?"
"Andi. Andi this is Zac. Zac, Andi She wants to meet your boy Amp." They exchanged greetings."This is lawyer girl, right?" Zac asked. Fatima nodded in agreement."Yo, Amp!" he yelled. Amp came over and was already checking Andi out. He threw the keys to the Benz to Zac. "Amp this is Andi. Andi this is Amp. Come with me to take them to the car."When they got outside, they helped the ladies inside the Benz. Zac was standing against the door on the driver's side talking to Fatima while Andi was watching out the side view mirror as Amp took some items out of the back and put them in the Lambo parked behind them."

"Damn! That nigga is fine!" Andi said, gazing at him. "Girl, he is even bowlegged!" Fatima ignored her as she was busy talking to Zac. Amp was now talking on his phone. When he started laughing, Andi  practically lost it. "Oh no, this nigga don't have dimples!" she yelled. "His appearance is too perfect. Something has to be wrong." As soon as he closed up his cell phone, Andi stuck her head out of the window and said, "Let me holla at you, playa!"He came up to the window smiling,
"What up, beautiful?"
"Right now? You. And those dimples."
"Oh really?"
"Mmm hmm. What does the Amp stand for?"
"Armani Pernell ."
"Armani," she repeated. "I like that."
"Your man let you hang out this time of night? Why hasn't he clipped this Angel's wings?"

"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm saying if you was my Angel you'd be home."
"Home waiting on me."
Andi laughed. "I'm sure you really do have somebody home waiting on you.""Actually, I don't."
"Nigga, please. Fine as you are? If she's not at your home then where is she?""Nah. I'm not into nothing serious right now."
"So that means I could get me a kiss right now and a bitch won't come running out the club screaming and wanting to kick my ass?"

Amp blushed. He was checking out her skin, hair, teeth, and nails.
"Nah, ain't nobody serious right now.""Well, come here let me kiss you."He leaned over and kissed her neck inhaling her scent at the same time.
"You eat swine?"
"What? I have to be interviewed to get a kiss?" She was now kissing his neck and inhaling his scent. "And, no, I don't eat pork. I don't even eat chicken. Fish only." She grabbed his head and ran her tongue over his lips and kissed him."Mmmm," she moaned. "I want you to have my babies." "Do you?" He said in between the kiss."Mmm. Hmm." She was totally turned on."I thought I was suppose to be saying that."
"I beat you to it, didn't I?"
"Yeah. You did." He grinned.She broke the kiss, gently poked in one of his dimples. "I just didn't want you to forget me."

"Now why would I do that?"
"Give me another kiss and maybe I'll answer that for you.""Oh. It's like that?" He leaned in still blushing and began nibbling on her lips and kissing them lightly. She placed her hand on his shoulder and pulled him closer."Time to go, Andi," said Tima. She unlocked lips with Amp and said to him, "I want to see you again."He pulled out his phone, and went to the contact information , and gave her the phone. "Put in your number," he said. She did and passed it back. He leaned over and kissed her again not stopping until Zac was standing next to him. Andi and Amp continued to gaze and smile at each other as the Benz pulled off. "Motherfuck! There oughta be a law against a nigga being that fine and that sweet."
"You a ho!" Fatima teased.
"Say what you want. That nigga can carry my babies. He can even have my last name!" she joked. "I'll bend a few rules for him.""I see," Fatima said, with a look of surprise."Psych!"

"Yeah, right, ho! I think you're serious."
"Idk maybe a little, I'm ready to move on. It's been almost year since i ended things with Gary. I haven't seen or heard anything from him don't know if he's alive or dead and TBH i really don't care I'm just ready to move on."
"I love you sis, and I'm want you to be happy. So if you feel you're ready then go for it."
"Thank you and Yes I'm ready."

"Fatima dropped Andi off and cruised home in the Benz. When she got inside the house she decided to check her messages since she hadn't done so in three days. One was from Danni. The dry cleaners also left a message. She had been so busy she hadn't picked up her clothes in almost three weeks. Then there was another message from Danni. The next tenant also had some flimsy excuse for not paying the rent, and then there was Andi confirming Friday night's clubbin' plans."

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