Will You Marry Me

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Andi left the jail in tears. Mecca called her cell phone to invite her and Fatima over. Andi told her what had happened. As soon as she got to the house she kicked off her shoes, went to check on Fatima, sat down at the dining room table, and wrote:
Dear Armani,
First off let me say that I miss you and I love you more than anything. I'm sitting here at the dining room table feeling deflated. I'm wearing a tailormade, buttersoft leather, wraparound skirt. I also have on a lacy garter belt, silk stockings, no panties, and a see-through blouse with no bra on. I had every intention of making your day today, which I should have been doing all along.I thought I could just pop up there and everything would be back to normal. I should have known you better. You wasn't letting me off this easy. You always have to have the last word. Yeah, I was crushed when the guard said, 'He definitely does not want to see you.' But I deserved it. I realize you are putting me in check and letting me know that I'm not running shit. You're the HNIC."

"I am so sorry and I apologize for losing my cool. Mecca told me that the main reason why I'm so uptight is because I'm not breaking you off. She said if I was I would never have responded the way I did. I agreed with her for the most part. If I didn't lose my temper all the way, I most likely wouldn't have went off on you. But I still would have beat that bitch Dime's ass. I had to keep my word. I told her I better not catch her in your face or see y'all in the same room, or else.
Well, that ass-whipping was the 'or else.'I know I pissed you off big time and that's why you told me to pack my shit and get out. I know you. And I know you didn't mean it, or you would have called me yourself and told me or you would have sent somebody over to put me out. I also know that you're not concerned or worried about me having all of your shit. That's called trust. I should have shown you that same trust when I saw that ho, instead of going ballistic. Again, I apologize and ask that you please forgive me. I am very sorry."

"I'll close by saying I'm glad you are in my life. You surprised me in several ways. You definitely cannot judge a thug by his cover. I got with you at first just looking to bust a nut (smile) but instead found my soul mate. You notice how we don't even have to talk sometimes but we each know what the other is saying, feeling, and thinking? How we are at so much peace in each other's presence? I was convinced that I could never love any one more than I loved Gary. I wasn't even going to try. But you just swooped me up and took me beyond what I felt for him. I thank you for that.
I miss you. I miss you coming home and waking me up in the morning. But more so, seeing how happy you would be that I was here. I love you and I am waiting on you, no matter how long it'll be. You can trust and believe that.
Let me go check on Fatima. She's upstairs in the guest bedroom, sick as a dog. Our God baby is giving her hell Lol.
Please, puhleeeeese call me.Love, Red your Angel."

"PS. Your sister told me that the word is out amongst all those hos you used to fuck with that the Red bitch is crazy, that I got you on lock, and I'm living in your house. They're even talking about you got me a Lex to push. They better recognize that they ain't got shit coming. See how far an ass-whipping will go? Please call me."

"Andi folded her letter up, sealed it inside an envelope, and went upstairs. She eased open the bedroom door to find Fatima still under the covers. She opened the blinds and flopped on the bed next to her. Fatima poked her head out from under the covers and took one look at her, then covered her head back up.
"You don't look like you got fucked. What happened? You chickened out?"
"No, he refused my visit." Fatima pushed the covers off her head. "No shit! You're lying?"
"I wish I was. He wants me to know who's runnin' shit, so I'm not mad at him. What about you? When are you getting up?" "After you fix me something to eat."
"What do you want, with your pregnant ass?"
"Girl , I don't even know baby Taylor has been giving me hell. I feel a much better though.

"Another month passed by without Amp calling Andi or allowing her to visit. She had just walked in the front door when the phone started ringing. She kicked off her shoes and tossed her briefcase on the Italian leather sofa.
"This is the New York operator. I have a collect call from Armani. Will you accept?"
"Yes I will." Andi was trying to be cool.
Amp's voice came on the line,
"Is everything a'ight?"
"Amp it's been over a month since I've spoken to you or seen you. You haven't even written me. Don't you think it's kind of late to be asking me if everything's alright?"He acted like he didn't hear her.

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