Just how we decided.

I haven't even talked to her since earlier this morning, which was hours ago. All communication is cut until I walk down the aisle and it's killing me.

"No I don't think so, but you can check" I told her before she made her way into the bathroom

After some time my makeup was finally finished. I put on my custom made emerald green dress and my heart immediately felt complete.

I didn't notice I was crying until a tear rolled down my cheek. This is my last day crying, for real

"Oh my gosh" I said to myself kind of annoyed at the fact that I won't stop crying

"Angel you ready to come out?" I heard somebody say from behind the door

"Yeah" I semi yelled back before pulling open the curtain and everybody was amused at the dress, "Kim I need you to touch me up again"

"Your still crying?" Alisa asked shocked a little before I laughed

"It's a on and off thing"

"Cry baby Angel" Mani said before I rolled my eyes playfully as Kim pulled me with her

My former teammates, who are now my lifelong sisters are all here to celebrate with me. Years later and we're still tight.

"Hey Angel, I wanted to get a few group photos of you ladies" my photographer said before I nodded my head

"Yes, we can take some group pictures that's fine"

We took a couple of pictures as a group and I took some individually. Everybody is all ready, it's time ..

I heard "Why I love you" by MAJOR playing before my brother locked arms with me. We began to slowly walk down the aisle as a bunch of eyes watched

Oh my gosh!

Everybody was recording and taking pictures as I smiled. I locked eyes with Flau'jae and my smile got bigger.

It's impossible for her to look this good, I fall more in love with her everyday. She has on a nice suit and her jewelry is blinding me.

I watched as she put her hand over her face and turned around. This has been one effusive week for her and I can tell she's overstimulated.

By the time I got to her she had turned back around with tears all down her face. I grabbed one of her hands and wiped her face with my other free hand

"You look so beautiful" she mouthed to me causing me to smile

"You look good too, baby" I mouthed back before she sighed gently

The officiant cleared his throat as the music dimmed down. Oh my god

"I'm Mr.Ray Jean, and I am honored to celebrate this unforgettable moment. We're gathered here to witness this exchange between our lovers. Love is the essence of who we are ..."

He continued to talk as Flau'jae and I stood face to face. I'm freaking out inside, I'm still in shock that this day has come

Before I knew it, it was time for the vows. The closer we get to exchanging rings, I get more

"Great, now our lovers may exchange their vows" the officiant said before Flau'jae took a deep breath

"Angel, I have been head over heels for you since we first locked eyes. I chose you because you're my safe place, my home. Being with you made me realize that I love, love. I love us. Knowing that I'm spending the rest of my life with you is top tier. You've blessed my heart, and protected it. I hope that we can learn from each other, grow, and continue to love each other. So, I vow to give that fairytale love you want and deserve. I love you"

By the time she finished, I was already crying and they were waiting on me. I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to get through my vow.

"No rush take your time" I heard my mom say from where she was

I quickly got myself together before speaking

"Not only have you changed my perspective on love, but you've changed me as a person. You've corrected me and pointed me in the right direction when it was needed. You've been my bestfriend, lover, and shoulder to cry on. My everything in one, I can't imagine life without you. No matter how tough things get, I vow to be by your side. I vow to be committed to you forever, I love you"

I took a deep breath before letting out a huge sigh.

"Beautiful" the officiant said while coming closer with the rings, Flau'jae grabbed mine

"Do you, Flau'jae, take Angel as your lawful spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, until death do you part? If so, please say 'I do.'"

"I do" Flau'jae said confidently while smiling before grabbing left hand

She slowly placed the ring on my finger and I could see the excitement on her face.

I grabbed Flau'jae's ring before looking at her and we both cheesed from ear to ear.

"Do you, Angel, take Flau'jae as your lawful spouse, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, until death do you part? If so, please say 'I do.'"

"I do" I replied before grabbing her hand and slipping the ring on

"Wear these rings as a reminder of the vows you've just taken" Mr.Ray Jean said sternly, "You may now seal your promises and marriage with a kiss"

Without any hesitation out lips met before everybody started cheering and clapping. I love how supportive our family is, it's amazing.

The officiant said a few more words before closing up. I'm so happy that I am able to experience this moment.

Thank God. 

Together Flau'jae and I walked down the aisle making our huge exit. Of course everybody recorded happily as we greeted them.

As soon as we made it out of everybody's view, we both let out a loud sigh. It was a 'we did it' sigh.

"Mrs. Angel Reese-Johnson" Flau'jae said flashing a smile before I smiled, "Sound like music to my ears"

"Talk to me nice, it's official" I said while holding my hand up flashing my ring

I'm a married woman.

𝕊𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕝: 𝟜 𝔹𝔸𝕐𝕆𝕌 Where stories live. Discover now