Draco malfoy x male reader (short)

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Both you and Draco shared an uncanny resemblance in your sharp wit and penchant for exchanging barbs, despite being sorted into separate houses. While you resided in Ravenclaw, Draco found his place among the ranks of Slytherin. Quidditch practice served as the stage for your interactions, where both of you showcased your athleticism, even though you didn't exactly fit the mold of the archetypal sports enthusiast. Despite that, you managed to hold your own on the field, impressing with your skills.

As fate would have it, the practice required partnering up, a prospect that only fueled your ongoing verbal sparring. "I'm willing to bet you can't soar higher than I can," Draco quipped, his gaze fixed condescendingly upon you. Rolling your eyes, you shot back, "Just watch me," and promptly ascended to match Draco's altitude. "So you thought you could outshine me? How utterly laughable," you taunted, your laughter echoing in the open air. A seething glare from Draco was your reward. "Spare me. You couldn't possibly keep up," he sneered, accelerating on his broom. Responding with unflinching determination, you declared, "Oh, I'm up for the challenge," your resolve apparent.

The distance between you and Draco closed, victory almost within reach, but just as your fingertips were about to make contact, Madam Hooch's piercing whistle cut through the air. Her command was clear: "Land immediately." Reluctantly, you both descended, your heartbeats racing from more than just the flight. As the brooms met the ground, you received an unexpected blow – 50 points docked from each of your houses. The injustice of the situation left you aghast. "This is absurd! It's his fault," you protested, a finger pointed squarely at Draco.

His retort was quick, "Nonsense, it's entirely his fault." The back-and-forth escalated, but Madam Hooch intervened with stern authority. "Enough of this bickering," she chastised, her gaze firmly fixed on both of you. "The blame rests on both your shoulders. This recklessness will not be tolerated." The finality of her words silenced you both, and her impartial ruling served as a reminder that your actions, regardless of house rivalry, had consequences.

Harry Potter x Male reader one shots Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant