Chapter 10: The Bridge, the Spy, and the Snake

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Taiyo: Oh jeez, this isn't good at all

His statement was proven true because Naruto and Sai had to go up against Sasori inside of his Hiruko puppet. The two attack the Akatsuki member and it's none other than Sakura disguised, the two then go and attack Yamato. Naruto and Sai use a Rasengan, but Sai was revealed to be a Naruto clone and the real Sai uses his Super Beast Scroll to make a snake and wrap it around Naruto and Yamato. Yamato uses the substitution jutsu and Sai goes to find him.

Taiyo: (Goes over to Naruto and Sakura) Come on guys, let's go get them

The three go through the forest and find Yamato captured by Sai.

Naruto: (Mad) Hey you, do you know what the meaning of comrade is?!

Sai: (Writes in his scroll) Here you go

In his scroll, Sai had written what the meaning of comrade is.

Naruto: No, not that! Why did you leave me tied up!?

Sai: First, you are a fool for making your shadow clone look like me and then use a jutsu only you would know, by doing this, you revealed that was hiding. Second, when Captain Yamato used the substitution to avoid my binding, you lost your cool and I didn't feel like dealing with you while capturing the captain

Naruto: (Walk away) You're nothing like him

Sai: Why are so keen on saving Sasuke when he abandoned the village and went to Orochimaru?

Taiyo: What did I tell you? Do you want me to kick the shit out of you?!

Sai: I would rather you not

Taiyo: You know even though you're an asshole, we're still gonna work with you to bring him back

Naruto: That's right, me and Taiyo will do anything to save a comrade and a brother

The two walk off and go back to the house to turn in for the day.

(Next Day)
The team had made it to the Tenchi Bridge and Sai makes an ink bird to scout out the area, the bird eventually returns.

Sai: There are no traps and no one is in the area

Yamato: Good. (Goes through hand-signs) Wood Style: Transformation

A bunch of branches surrounded Yamato and turned him into Sasori, inside of his Hiruko puppet.

"Sasori": How do I look?

Taiyo: Damn, you sound just like him

Sakura: How would you know, you were barely there?

Taiyo: (Smirks) I just know

"Sasori": Alright, you guys get into position and I'll go to the bridge

Team: Right!

"Sasori" arrives at the bridge and waits for the spy, a person with a cloak on appears on the bridge.

???: It's been a long time, Lord Sasori. (Removes cloak from his face) It's been five years, hasn't it?

The spy was revealed to be none other than Kabuto Yakushi, the scar still present on his face.

Taiyo: Sun and Flame Chronicles (A Naruto Shippuden Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin