I glance across at Asteria, longing to reach out and take her hand. The guards sit in the seats across from us, chatting with each other, but it still feels too risky. I rest my hands squarely in my lap instead.

"I suppose this means you have the opportunity to savor some time in Okchester," I say. "Maria has told me much about it. It sounds like a quaint little city."

"You've never been?" Asteria asks.

I shake my head, hoping that was not the wrong answer to give.

"You'll like it. It has a nice view of the Kilneu mountains in the distance. It's small, but the townfolk are nice," Asteria responds.

With those words, the train whistle blows again, and we depart. I expect Asteria and I to chat most of the trip, but I watch her head slowly slump against the table between us, and she eventually nods off to sleep. I smile seeing her rest and hope the same drowsiness will afflict me, but I find myself too nervous. Rather, I stare out the window as the landscape transforms before us. Gone are the rolling green hills of Esterpool, replaced instead with what I witnessed on my original journey to Esterpool. The land is flattened and scattered with decaying tree stumps, dying grass, and dusty soil. Occasionally, I see a clump of townhomes and buildings in the distance, but those small dwellings certainly look like an unappealing place to live.

Suddenly, I miss my home in Tetoa, with the azure ocean waves and the thick foliage of the Landiani Jungle. I hope to never see my homeland looking like this, devoid of all life and people. But then, as I turn my head to glance at Asteria, I wonder if that would be a reality if I do not follow through with this mission.

I watch as the barren wasteland of Magnuvia transform slowly back into civilization. At first, there a few farms, then brick buildings and cobblestone streets lined with motor vehicles and many civilians. Finally, we have arrived in Okchester. Already I can tell it is much smaller than Arkford, and yet, it still intimidates me.

The train lets out a loud whistle as it pulls into the nation, stirring Asteria from her nap. She wakes up and glances at me groggily.

"Did you enjoy your nap?" I ask.

Her eyes look tired, and there is a smudge from where her cheek was resting against the table. She nods and lets out a long yawn. "Did you get any sleep as well, Fe?"

I shake my head. She looks at me concerned, but I shrug. "There will be time to rest later tonight."

We rise as passengers begin to disembark from the train. However, before we can exit, the royal guards keep us stationed in place.

"There is a crowd outside. Stay close," the taller one says to us.

I file in next to Asteria, suddenly worried. What is the crowd waiting for? Are they coming to mock the princess, to threaten her? Alba warned me that Asteria was not as respected as in Esterpool. However, when we step out from the train and into the sunlight of Okchester, the small crowd gazing down at us is full of smiling and waving civilians. The guards keep their stance, however, attempting to block Asteria from their view.

Asteria, however, moves to shove past them.

"Princess," the shorter one warns.

Asteria rolls her eyes. "These people are not going to harm me," she says.

I stand still, watching her descend the steps to greet some of the civilians. They bow and curtsy politely toward her as they hand her freshly-cut flowers and sweet pastries. The welcome is quite sweet, and Asteria greets each one potitely and expresses her gratitude at their hospitality. I can tell by the stiff expression of the guards beside me that they are worried for her safety, but I see no threat now that Asteria is greeting them. The civilians are ecstatic to see the princess and doubly excited that she is returning their warm sentiments. I watch in in awe, never having imagined before I grew to know that the princess that she would act so kindly to these civilians. I always imagined the royal family to be cold and distant with those they served.

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