"It's alright." Seonghwa forgave him with no hesitation. "I figured that's what was wrong. Next time you're feeling sick, just let me know, okay?"

"Alright." Hongjoong was relieved. "So... coffee?"

The walk to Starbucks was silent, but comfortable.

Seonghwa noted that Hongjoong was a man of few words, which was fine with him.

If needed, Seonghwa could talk enough for the both of them.

When the pair received their coffee, they sat in a booth.

"So Joong," Seonghwa began. "What do you like to rap about?"

The younger man was startled at the sudden use of his nickname and interest in his music. "Oh, uh, I write raps about a variety of things. Youth, freedom, hopes and dreams. It's easy to find my flow in those topics, you know? I wanna inspire others to follow their dreams, like I wanna do. When I rap, I feel like I'm in a different world."

Seonghwa nodded, understanding the sentiment completely.

He felt the same way about his blog.

It came so natural to talk about his experiences as a gay man in Seoul while helping others at the same time.

As Hongjoong continued babbling about his love for hip hop, Seonghwa took the time to commit the way his face lights up to memory.

His smile seems more authentic then before, and his eyes were bright with excitement.

Seonghwa rested his cheek on his knuckles as he listened intently.

Hongjoong abruptly cut himself off when he noticed Seonghwa's placid expression. "I'm rambling again. You're probably bored of hearing me talk about music."

Seonghwa shook his head in objection. "No, I'm really interested in what you have to say. It may just be my imagination, but you seem happier talking about hip hop than academics. Am I reading that right?"

Hongjoong's cheeks flushed. "You noticed that, huh?" He laughed uneasily.

"Yup." Seonghwa took a sip of his frappuccino. "You probably get a lot of people asking you about it since you're so smart. So, I'll do my best not to bring it up."

"You don't have to censor yourself like that." Hongjoong objected firmly. "If you're truly interested, please ask. I only get annoyed at people who only inquire about how smart I am and never try to get to know the real me, you know?" Hongjoong's voice softened. "Not many people ask about what I like to do. Music isn't considered academic by a lot of people."

"That's just silly! Of course music is academic!" Seonghwa scoffed. "Those people don't know what they're talking about. The arts is a huge part of education. Just because it doesn't involve science formulas or math equations doesn't mean it shouldn't be taken seriously."

"You're right." Hongjoong agreed. "Music gives me a chance to express myself without any boundaries. The possibilities are endless. People who talk to me don't believe music is a smart career choice. That music won't get me anywhere."

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