Chapter 52 - A Sister Needs Her Brother (Juleka/Purple Tigress)

Start from the beginning

Because Adrien wanted Luka to ask him for real. That's why I felt so bad when he just stormed away like that.

I wanted to go after him, but Luka beat me to it. But I still followed him. "Adrien!" It was Luka's voice. I got closer but stayed hidden.

I could hear everything that they were saying. "I'm so sorry... I should have never said those things... This is my fault..." That was Adrien blaming himself.

"It's not your fault..." Luka telling him it wasn't his fault. "Adrien.... Run!" But he didn't run. He just backed up against the wall as Luka got Akumatized. It was so painful to watch Luka try to fight, but still get overpowered by Hawk Moth.

It must have been worse for Adrien, he was much closer to him. No wonder he didn't run when Luka had told him to.

I wouldn't have run either. I would have been frozen, just like Adrien.

Luka was fully Akumatized now. He lifted up his hand, and it looked like he was using it to speak. "Adrien, you know I would never hurt you. It's the last thing I would do. But I also can't let you stop me. So for your own safety, stay out of my way." I watched him turn and get ready to leave.

But he said something unexpected before he did. "I love you, Adrien." And that was the last thing he said before he disappeared.

I would have run out to comfort him, because he was just a ball crying his eyes out. But Nino kinda, beat me to it. Well that's his job as Adrien's best friend.

But I'm Luka's sister, and I'm going to be the first one to see him when he's been De-akumatized.

~End Of Flashback~

And I was the first person to see him, it was just hard not to be one of the ones helping him. But of course that all changed when I got my own Miraculous.

I could now defend Paris alongside my brother and my friends.

One more thing I forgot to mention, apparently Adrien and Luka might actually start dating eachother as Chat Noir and Viperion.

It was Alya and Marinette's plan, and it kinda sorta worked. She used her Flute as a projector and Nino showed us on his Shell computer thing.

We saw and heard the whole thing.

~Flashback To Yesterday~

An excuse wasn't going to be easy. So I just Luka to trust me. He begged me not to leave, but I left anyways.

I got to the hiding spot where Queen Bee, Carapace and Ladybug were already waiting. Nino was setting up his shield.

Once it was set up, Alya put on her screen from her Flute so we could hear and see everything that was happening.

"So they just up and left us, huh?" It was loud and clear. "Guess they did," I watched closely as my brother sat down next to Adrien. Their hands got closer until they were together. I smirked.

They were having an awkward silence for a while. "Uh... What do you want to talk about?" Luka was shy when he asked that, I could tell.

I wondered what Adrien would say. "I'm.. Sort of recently single..." Well, did I expect that? Not really. "Oh.. Really? C-can I ask what happened?" He needed to come up with a lie about it though, I hope he can make something up.

"He said something about Superheroes being too... Uh, what's the word?" He was in a trail of thought. Then he slapped his fist in his hand when he remembered. Or just whatever he did.

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