I like you

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"Guess who~!" A voice hummed while putting their hands over the blonde's eyes.

He giggled and grabbed the wrists by his ears.

"Hi, Hyunjin." He smiled.

The older boy cheekily grinned as he removed his hands and hugged him around the shoulders from behind.

"Happy birthday, Lix!" He cooed while rocking them side to side and Felix hummed.

"Thanks, Hyun!" He giggled.

"You're a legal adult now! How do you feel?"

"New age, same bitch." The blonde flaunted.

"Any plans for today or upcoming?" Hyunjin asked while removing his hold on the boy, allowing him to turn around.

"I think I might spend the afternoon with Jisung since his birthday was yesterday. But~ I don't think I'm gonna do anything major."

"Felix- it's your 18th! It's a big deal!" The brunette exclaimed as they began walking to first class.

"It's just another birthday, Hyun. Besides the things I want are too expensive. I'm okay with just spending time with people I love." The younger smiled.

"Hmm.. 'love' huh?" Hyunjin teased with a grin at the boys words.

"Yes, love. I know what I said." Felix eyed the male.

Hyunjin blushed and smiled while looking back ahead of himself.

"We should go out this weekend. My gift to you. When are you free?" He suddenly asked, making Felix smile giddily.

"I've got an interview on Saturday, so Friday night?"

"An interview? For where?"

"A local pet shelter. I can spend the day playing and taking care of puppies!" The freckled boy said excitedly.

"Lucky! Well, then I'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow night." Hyunjin suggested.

"Sounds good to me!"

"Cool! It's a date." The brunette calmly said before walking into his class, sparing a glance at the boy's appalled expression.

Once Felix processed what had just happened, he scoffed with a smile, shook his head lightly and walked to class with a grin he couldn't repress.

Second class came around and Felix was waiting for Hyunjin to enter the room. This was probably his favorite class of the day. He loved Hyunjin's presence. The two had been on good terms for about 3 weeks now, and they were both content with their place, though they wanted more. Felix wanted to be with Hyunjin so badly. He just didn't know when it would be the right time to do so. Had enough time passed by? It's been just under two months since everything happened, were they both ready?

Snapping out of thoughts, he looked back at the door and in walked Hyunjin. His lips unconsciously formed a closed smile while locking eyes with the taller boy. His entrance made his mood lift by so much.

"Hi" Hyunjin smiled while walking toward his desk.

"Hi." Felix grinned in response, cheeks bright red.

This was a daily cycle.


Both boys lovingly smiled as Hyunjin took his seat; it was disgustingly adorable.

"Students! Today we are starting our first partner project!" The teacher announced.

"I am going to let you choose your partners this one time, don't make me regret it or else you will have assigned partners for the remainder of the year."

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now