Protecting you

685 31 11

This chapter contains SA and panic/anxiety attacks

"I thought I told you to leave me alone, Chan." I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"You don't want some company?" He said with a sly smile.


"I like my alone time, actually. So please leave." I replied.

"Do you? Or are you afraid you'll see Hyunjin in the cafeteria? Since, y'know, he has this lunch period too." He snickered.

I looked at the ground for a second, realizing that I could've seen him in the cafeteria this whole time.

"You know, I actually spoke with him this morning." He continued.

I looked at him, noticing him trying to inch closer and closer to me. 

"Got your attention, huh? Yeah he was real~ riled up when I mentioned you. Seems like the boy's nearly obsessed with you, hm?"

"You act like you know him." I spat.

"And you do? Clearly not if something caused the split. Believe me, Felix... you know me more than you know him. And you know that I'll never give up on us." He said in a near whisper, walking towards me in a way that made me start to back up.

I felt frightened. No one else was here. This room is in a far corner of the school. No one was in this hallway but us.

"Oh, Lixie.. it seems fate has brought us together again." He said that last word aggressively as he grabbed both of my hands and put them against the large bulletin board behind me, making me yelp.

My wrists were next to my head, in his grasp. He was strong. Strong enough to make me defenseless in this situation. His face was inches from mine. I could feel his breath against my quivering lips.

"Ch-Chan.. please.. let me go." I mumbled.

"I don't think so. I've finally got you under my touch after a year. I'm going to use this moment wisely." He chuckled and brought his nose to my neck, inhaling my scent and caressing it with his nose and lips.

I felt tears brim my eyes. I couldn't do anything. I was too frightened to yell.

"Lixie, dear? You'll stay quiet for me, won't you?" He threatened while placing a kiss in the crook of my neck.

My tears fell, my heart was pounding, I felt like there was no use in fighting in this moment. I felt weak.

"Y-you're disgusting." I said angrily between sobs.

"You know you like love."

"I'll never love you. You'll never be Hyunjin." I snapped.

He stopped his movements and tightened his grasp. I could hear him heavily breathing before bringing his face close to mine.

I felt myself stop breathing. Was this the moment I get raped? By someone I thought would stop bothering me? All I could think about.. was Hyunjin.
I wanted no one else but him in this moment. I wanted him to hold me, tell me everything was gonna be okay. Hyunjin wouldn't do this to me. If I said no, he would apologize. If he saw this, he would beat Chan to the ground.

"You.. are not playing a very smart game, Lixie." He whispered and smashed his lips on mine.

I refused the kiss. I didn't move them not once. I had never felt so weak and fearful. I sobbed. I couldn't breathe. He had too much power over me right now.

Just then, the door slammed open so hard that I thought the hinges broke. Chan stopped his movements and looked at the door, giving me the chance to do the same.

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