I miss you

697 33 15

Felix pov

Two and a half months flew by right before my eyes. Summer break was over and I'm officially a senior.  Time flies when you're having fun huh?

It's been a few days since that day in the hospital.

If people thought Chan broke me, this was a new level. I had never expected for this effect. Jisung feels the need to see me as much as possible in order to know I'm okay. Up until school started, he would spend the night and made sure I was eating, comforted me and just being there I general.

I felt awful. He was supposed to be enjoying his lover, but here he is, helping his heartbroken best friend.

Everyone needs a Jisung in their life.

I felt so helpless. I felt so stupid. I let myself be blinded by love that I didn't go further investigating after the text messages. I trusted him. I spent everyday with him. I fell in love harder than I ever had before. I hope he never recovers from that guilt.


"Ughh shut up." I groaned, half awake as my alarm echoes throughout the room.

"First day of senior year🖕| 6:30 a.m." the alarm title read.

I rubbed my eyes and smacked them back down on the bed, looking at my ceiling and contemplating getting up.

Buzz buzz

Wake up loser, it's our first last day.
I know ur just staring at your ceiling rn
Get up

I do a small eye roll at the message, too tired to respond and slowly sit up in my bed. I always wake up early because I know it'll take me nearly a year to get out of bed. I rub my eyes once more and let out that morning yawn before getting up and groggily heading towards the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and just looked in the mirror. The lack of sleep and energy was visible. My eyes seemed so sunken and heavy. I didn't see the same person in the mirror that I saw a few weeks ago.

I miss him.

As I got off the bus, I heard my name get hollered from a distance away.

"Hey girl! First day of senior year and you don't look excited." Jisung said as he put his arm around my shoulders and we walked.

I just shrugged and didn't say anything. I knew he noticed after I heard the sigh escape from his lips.

"So.. what classes do you have?" He asked after getting no response.

I pulled out my schedule and handed it to him. We both groaned when we saw that we only have one class together.

"How am I supposed to remain happy for the day if I only see you at the end of it?" He whined.

"At least we can walk together to the busses after school." I said, trying to lighten his mood.

"We don't even have the same lunch. This year is going to be horrible!" He exaggerated with a fake cry.

"I'm sure if we did, you'd be kissing all up on your boyfriend anyway. Maybe it's a blessing that I don't have lunch with you." I joked and slightly smiled.

I could see Jisung smile after me in my peripherals. I know he's been trying to see me happy, so when I show it, I can tell it calms him a little bit.

"I suppose you may be right. But can you blame me? Minho is the greatest guy to stare at. I could faint from looking at him." He gushed and dramatically walked like he was having a heart attack.

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