The storm with you

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Felix pov

School starts in about two weeks. Me and Hyunjin have been together for roughly two months. Though it hasn't been very long, I've never been happier. We take walks on the beach, bike rides, midnight drives to the gas station, etc. It was perfect. He was perfect. I've never been with someone like him. He made me feel so loved; like I was the only person in his world.

Within these two months, we've spent nearly everyday with each other. And the days we didn't, we called and told each other how much we missed the other. Cheesy and gross, I know, but I was happy. He made me happy. Part of me began fantasizing what the rest of our lives would be like. A dream.

I was currently in my room, reading a book. It was pouring rain outside in the pitch black night when my phone suddenly buzzed. I looked at the notification and giddily smiled.

Handsome boy🤍
Hey :)
You home?

Yeah, just reading a book. Can't fall asleep :/

Handsome boy🤍
Well it must be your lucky day

Just as I read the message, I heard a tap on my bedroom window.

'No way this boy really came here in the middle of the night in the pouring rain.' I thought to myself.

I rushed over to my window and pulled up the blinds, immediately spotting my beautiful boyfriend looking up at my window. I quickly opened it, trying to dodge the rain.

"Are you crazy?! Hyunjin, it's practically storming right now!" I slightly yelled with a small smile of awe.

"The only thing I'm crazy for is you, my dear." He smirked.

"Come on! I didn't drive here and stand in the rain for nothing!" He yelled playfully.

He was drenched. Wearing sweatpants and a hoodie that didn't do him any justice, his hair was stuck to his face and dripping in front of him. But he kept that same smile on him, no matter his situation.

I quickly ran into my room to grab my shoes and jacket, even though they'll be useless. Going back to the window, I realized there was no way down other than the small platform above a downstairs window.

"How am I supposed to get down, Hyunjin?"

"I'll catch you. Just fall!" He replied.

"You're crazy!" I exclaimed while stepping onto the small landing. It was slippery.

"Just trust me, Lix! I've got you."

I took a deep breath and exhaled through my mouth. Closing the window and then my eyes, I let myself slide down. My eyes shot open as I felt myself slip completely off the surface and in the air. Keeping his promise, Hyunjin was able to catch me. It wasn't a huge fall, but it was still falling.

With a stumble and a grunt from the impact coming from both of us, we looked at each other and bursted into laughter. I was immediately drenched by the heavy downpour.

"So where exactly are we going?" I ask as he set me down to stand.

"Not sure, let's go figure it out." He shrugged and smiled as he grabbed my hand to lead me to his car.

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now