Chapter 13

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Later that Night (Around Midnight), 

Once most of the camp have turned in for the night, 

By the Fire..

"Do you think he might make it?" Matt asked as he stayed staring towards the closed maze, staring in the direction he last saw Will alive. No one could hear the difference between a Grievers screech and something that could be a sole human screaming out. 

"Will?" Oscar asked as he looked away from the dying flames of the fire to where Matt was staring. 

"Hmm" Matt hummed back, eyes still focused on the maze's sealed entrance as if Will would just appear inside again. 

"No" Finely anwsered, eyes focused on the dying flames and have been round long enough to know the truth and learn to accept it.  

"No one survives a night in the Maze" Noah confessed as he sent a pitiful smile towards Matt, knowing how the greenie must feel. None of them reacted well at learning what happens to someone who is Stung and like Matt, some were experience their first out-casting today just as he did. 

"It's why it's a last resort punishment for those unsafe to keep in the camp. It's an unspoken death sentence that none of us like but we've got no other choice unless we want to destroy everything we've done so far" Oscar explained with a small frown, sounding troubled as he passed on the information as he knew most didn't like the rule but it was made for a reason. 

"You just got to learn to forget about him. It sounds harsh but once our name is crossed out on the wall, you're dead and forgotten" Finely passed on his best advice for matters like this, knowing it might not be the advice the other wished to hear but advice that worked best. 

"One of the rules state we look towards the future, not our past. We learn from past mistakes to make the future better" Oscar perked up with a smile, looking towards the bright side and hoping to cheer Matt up a little bit. 

"What future? The box isn't going to be send down anymore. How long can you guys survived without the extra supplies that come in?" Matt scoffed back, leaning his chin in his palm while his elbow dug into his thigh. 

"Greenies shouldn't have to worry over big problems like that. You should turn in for the night. Shiro will find a way to make sure we all find a way to carry on surviving" Noah huffed back as he leaned over and flicked Matt's forehead to distract him from his depression thoughts. 

"I think we should head in for the night. We're all tired and need a good night's sleep. After out-casting someone into the maze, an extra hour of rest is given to everyone. Shiro knows most of us will struggle to sleep and he leaves us time to lay in longer" Finely announced as he slapped a knee and stood up, knowing all this moping around wasn't any good for any of them. 

"I think I might go for a short stroll. Empty my mind before I hit the hammock" Matt sighed as he stood up, not fully ready to head to bed just yet. 

"Sure. Just call if you need us or come wake me if you need to talk about tonight" Noah smiled sweetly, patting Matt's arm. 

"Thanks" Matt muttered back, watching the other three head towards the woods chatting among themselves. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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