Chapter 9

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After Matt's test run with the runners left them with most of the afternoon now free. Keith and Lance walking off to the cousin hall to speak with Shiro over who'd be chosen as new members for the runners. They had four volunteers to chose and keep. Two of them being menders originally, Finely and Toby. Rory was a slicer after trying as a med-jack didn't go well for him. And now Matt. 

They knew none of them were going to be perfect straight out but they've all been braver than anyone else just by volunteering to join runners and help split up the maze work more. Of course the first couple of weeks would be them running with either Keith or Lance until they get use to the maze and know their way around more comfortably to run solo. 

But all of them had struggled and the first three had no real confidence in running the maze. Falling over, failed breathing patterns and not pacing themselves were terrible faults for runners. As well as looking around wildly like something would just out at any moment to kill them instead of looking where they were running. 

So, it was up to Lance and Keith to talk over the offered volunteers and talk out who they'd pick and keep. As well as having to plan when to speak to the four, check they're comfortable becoming a runner and staying as one. All four might chicken out last second and there'd be nothing they could do about it. 

Leaving Pidge to take Matt over to the farmers area and make friends or catch up with a few friends. He got to meet Allen, a farmer, who was rather friendly and only a year younger. Allen was always happy to chat while he worked and normally kept any Greenies company while they got a feel for their new lives. All greenies were given a test run as a farmer for the first week before being shifted to another group if they showed interested in one of other jobs or didn't fit in with the farmer group.

Allen was overly friendly but also kept to himself, giving others space and happy to hold a conversation if they come to him. He was always happy to help anyone too and let the farmer area be used a quiet and relaxing area for anyone to take their break as long as they took care not to ruin the plants and the farmers work. 

It's why Miles and Zack often hanged out with Allen. It was in an open area and gave a full view over the other groups. Letting the two med-jacks know where to go if someone calls out in pain or needs their help. It's pretty boring work if no one is hurt or sick so keeping Allen company was how the two spent their time everyday. 

A log area was added to the side for people to sit on and relax during breaks or for the farmers when they've checked their plants for the day and run out of other things to do. It left for a good patching up spot for anyone able to walk over to the med-jacks too. 

"Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" Matt asked from where he was squatted down by the tomato plants, watching Allen care for them and adding some manure around the bottom. Other farmers doing the same to other farming crops. 

"Tried it" Miles called back from where he sat on one of the logs, checking through his shoulder bag filled with a handful of medical supplies they've been able to make or were given from the box. Bandages were mostly made by old clothes someone's out grown or ripped and can't use anymore.  

"The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top. And besides, where are you gonna go from there?" Allen explained with a friendly smile as he poked his head out from the current tomato plant he was working on to look at the newest greenie while he was talking. 

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