Chapter 6

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"Who's gone mad?" Pidge simply asked as she came to a stop beside Lance, Keith standing on the other side of the taller male while Shiro was a few steps ahead trying to reason with the guy in the watch tower. 

"We're not sure" Keith answered before Lance could making Pidge just raise an eyebrow. 

"He came from the box" Lance added on, trying to help Pidge understand their own confusion over all this.

"Three greenies within the same month. That's never happened before" Pidge muttered out, her voice a little low and she just nodded her head while trying not to freak out the news.

"That's the problem. He was inside that box that popped up with the female greenie. We've got our normal amount of supplies when she came up. But we did notice an extra box, we guessed it was just something to do with the latest building project but Curtis opened it up and well, found the guy inside still sleeping" Keith replied with a deep frown, his arms crossed over his chest as he kept his eyes on the watchtower and seeing the random guy curl up in a corner still freaking out. 

"We're never had someone stay knocked out for a whole day before. If Curtis didn't open up the box to check what building supplies were given to us, he might have never been found. He could have just woken up days later or in the middle of the night and wondered off on his own. It's a worrying thought if I'm honest" Lance mumbled back his own thoughts and facts knowing Pidge would need to know everything if she was going think over this and try to understand everything that was happening. 

"Have we checked all the other supplies since this guy decided to wake up and fend us off with our spare fire wood?" Pidge asked as she turned her head, looking to the two males on her left and seeing them both give small slow nods. 

"Yeah, we sent Chip to look over everything why we tried getting the rest away from the watch tower and Shiro tried talking to this guy" Keith answered as he finally took his eyes from the random greenie and glanced towards Chip who was sitting in the grass a few feet away still holding the note with care as ordered. 

"And?" Pidge asked with a raised eyebrow, placing a hand on her hip. 

"This note was still tucked in the box, seems it fell off the female greenie. We didn't notice it until now since we've all been distracted and didn't expect to find anything odd" Lance answered with a troubled frown, unease filling his eyes as he turned to look at Pidge who started to worry. 

"What does the note say?" Pidge weakly asked, not sure if she wanted to hear the answer. 

"She's the last one" Keith and Lance spoke at the same time, remembering the words by heart at the news shocked them as much as they were Pidge right now. 

"Oh" Pidge breathed out, blinking for a moment as she took all that in. 

"Yeah" Keith weakly breathed out himself, knowing how Pidge felt. 

"Any chances of you telling us that it just means she'll be the only female given to us and we'll still have random supplies given to us each month" Lance spoke up with a desperate and hoping look on his face as he stared at her. 

"Would that help you to sleep better?" Pidge asked with a shaky smile as she looked to him. 

"Yes" Keith and Lance answered at the same time without skipping a beat.  

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