Chapter 11

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"Why am I stuck with the farmers again? No offense guys" Matt huffed out in annoyance over

"None taken" One of the other farmers mumbled back, knowing more than half greenies didn't enjoy the farmers job and normally moved onto one of the other groups. 

"A little bit offense taken" A different farmer grumbled back as they were the ones keeping the camp fed. 

"I'm a runner now. Shiro and Keith said so. Shouldn't I be with them, training or running or something?" Matt sighed as he stayed leaning against the pitchfork he had stabbed into the ground. Leaving most of the work to Josh since Allura was working in a different farming spot with the other farmers. 

"It's the rules. Greenies spend the first week with the farmers. Learning basic farming in case you ever need to lend a hand to the farmers or cover their work if they ever get sick or hurt. It's the rules. We've all spent a week as farmers. Next week you'll be a full fledge runner. Rory and Finely are still working at their other jobs until next week too. You're not the only one being kept back" Pidge replied with a shrug from where she sat with the two med-jacks on the logs again, unable to do anything until both Lance and Keith return from their run in the maze. Needing them to pass on anything new or report in their run once they were back. 

"It's best to wait. Give Keith and Lance a chance to run the mazes alone and match out areas where to train you newbies and how to help you all build up stamina for running the maze too. If the three of you joined at once.. well, they'd be playing it as it goes and that won't help anyone" Chip perks up from where he's working since he was a farmer himself, well, he helped out with every group when they asked but mostly stuck with the farmers until he becomes old enough to join the runners. 

"Listen to this smart child, he's very wise" Pidge announced as she pulled Chip onto her lap while he moving past, wrapping her arms around the bubbly laughing boy she adored the most in this world. 

The rest all chuckling over the pair  even as Miles and Zack moved from the log they were sharing and helped release Chip from Pidge's hold. Letting the boy get back to work and sitting on either side of Pidge to stop her from trying to grab him again. 

"But I want to help find a way out of this place. I want to be doing something worthwhile instead of just following Allen or Charlie around like a lost puppy" Matt spoke up with a deep frown as he wanted to be doing something towards finding an escape in the maze than just watching the farmers every move and passing over their needed tools. 

"Now, look, you wanna be helpful? Here, go dig us up some more fertilizer" Allen snapped back, throwing the weaven basket made to hold the fertilizer and a metal, hand size shove tucked inside. 

"Seriously?" Matt deadpanned as he stared at the bucket held in his hands and not believing he was being sent out to collect poop. 

"Josh got the last batch. It's only fair we send you out next" Charlie simply replied as he sure it as pretty fair that it was Matt's turn to got get some. More so when Josh was actual getting his hands busy in the crops while Matt's been moping the whole time.  

"It's rather far into the woods. Be careful" Josh warned with a nervous look, not wanting him to get hurt and not gaining any help until one of them noticed he's taken too long. 

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