Ask #70

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@Elisir7 For Megatron and Starscream, when was the last time you interfaced? And that has nothing to do with them, but Soundwave tell us more about your relationship with Shockwave😏 Please?

Starscream, holding both Sparkling's as they recharge: The last time we interfaced, was before we found out I was Sparked.

Megatron, huffs: Yeah, because somebot! {Gives Starscream, a pointed look} Thought such an activity. would injure said Sparkling's even though they were inside of a closed Gestation-chamber. 

Starscream, only glares back at Megatron. Before leaving to go put, Thunderlight & Starblade into their cribs.

Soundwave, watches his Step-Carrier leave with his little brothers: My relationship with the cyclops known as Shockwave, Is none of your Primus forsaken business.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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