Ask #14

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@HeroAqualad Megatron I Have A Question For You, Have You Ever Let Starscream Sit On The Throne And Have A Heating Moment Together Like...... Sparking Each Other??~

Megatron: *lets out a loud laugh* FRAG NO!! 

Megatron: *clears voice box* I mean we've interfaced on my throne before yes

Megatron: *snorts* But I'd never let Starscream spike me! 

Megatron: *crosses arms* Besides his spike wouldn't be able to satisfied me even if we interfaced for 5 hours!

Megatron: *looks around and slowly lowers arms* But I have Sired a Sparkling before in the past though Starscream doesn't know that bit of information 

Starscream: *suddenly appears infront of him* I do now!

Megatron: *jumps 20 feet in the air and lands on his aft* FRAG IT!! STARSCREAM WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!!

Starscream: *stares down at him* Do you really want me to answer that you

Megatron: *growls and gets up* 

Starscream: Who is it

Megatron: *looks at him* What?

Starscream: *glares* Who's the sparkling you Sired with another!

Megatron: *rolls his optics* I Sired him long before I met you

Starscream: *growls and glares more* Who's the Sparkling!

Megatron: *glares fiercely at his mate* Fine you want to know!

Starscream: Yes! Yes I do!

Megatron: *huffs* Fine then....The Sparkling I Sired is Soundwave!

Starscream: *optics widen and intake falls open* B-But but t-that means-

Megatron: *smirks* Yes Starscream since you are bonded to me you are now Soundwave's Step-Carrier~

Starscream: *dead on faints*

Megaton: *catches him before he hits the ground* Don't want to hurt our unborn Sparkling now

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