Ask #30

869 11 5

@hannahconkle Hey Starscream how would you react if I told you that my OC that's your sister is a Prime like Optimus?

Starscream: {Smirks} I'd be proud that she was even worthy of the title of course~

Starscream: {Frowns} Unless she's just like Prime then I'd be less proud!

Starscream: {Sighs} But then again...You have to have a good an pure spark to become a Prime don't you?


Alright everyone the time is getting closer to when Starscream is going to have his Twin Mechling's! So this will be your last chance to vote on the names for the Twins. So make sure to pick TWO! names one for each Sparkling the voting will conclude on the 11th of April so make sure to get your votes in quickly!

Thunderlight (4)

Starblade (4)

Quick-Kill (2)

Skydash (2)

Ragebringer (0)

Brakewar (0)

Wildswitch (0)

Meanviper (0)

Highcloud (0)

Ask Megatron And Starscream! (Ship!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora