Ask #3

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@UnidragonGacha An ask for both of you: How did the whole Nemesis found you two were dating or bond-spark

Starscream: *blank look* They don't

Megatron: *scoffs* If they knew we were bonded all pit would break loose!

Starscream: From either us keeping it secret for so long

Megatron: *smirks* Or because they can't believe I mated with a loud annoying glitch such as Starscream!

Starscream: *offended* HEY!!

Megatron: *looks at him* Hmm?~

Starscream: *crosses arms* I am not a loud annoying glitch!

Vehicon: *accidentally drops and breaks a important data-pad*

Starscream: *glares at him* WATCH WHAT YOUR DOING YOU CLUMSY MINDLESS DRONE THAT WAS IMPORTANT DID YOU NOT SEE THE STICKY NOTE ON IT'S SCREEN THAT CLEARLY SAID "Be careful with this data-pad it holds very VERY important information that has not yet been backed up" 

Vehicon: *shaking in fear* S-Sorry

Starscream: *sneers* CAN YOU EVEN FRAGGING READ!!

Vehicon: *lowers helm sadly* No....because no one wanted to teach me

Starscream: *stares* You know what your useless *points to the door* GET OUT!!

Vehicon: *bursts into tears and runs out the room*

Megatron: *raises optic ridge*

Starscream: *looks back to him* What?

Megatron: *crosses arms* My point has been made!

Starscream: *utterly confused* Huh? What?

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