Mind Control overtakes a Lover?! Parasitic Overclock!

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"Where, where am I?" Kotsu says, trying to stand.

"Hold on there sport, get up slowly." A man says, sitting on a throne.

"Wh-Who are you?!" Kotsu says, in a defensive stance.

"I'm Yusho Sakaki. That over there is Yuzu Boyle and Alexis Rhodes." The man says, pointing towards 2 people.

"Glad to see your awake!" Yuzu says with a smile.

"Pleasentries can wait, my girlfriend is somewhere and I need to find her!" Kotsu says, looking determined.

"Then I think I know where she is." Alexis says nonchalantly.

"Then Where!? Tell Me!?" Kotsu demands.

"Duel Academy, they want to take Yuzu there-" Alexis is cut off, "Then that's where I'm going." A passion burning in Kotsu's eyes.

"I can take you there, in a card." A man wearing all purple says as he walks in.

"You get out of here, get to duel academy!" Yusho says.

"What abou-" yuzu tries to say, "I will be fine just go!"

The 3 women went, running as fast as they could.

-at duel academy-

"Wh-what?!" Yuya says, staring at the 2 figures before him.

"Who'd think that we'd see Yuya here" Serena says, chuckling.

"Who'da thunk it!" Ruri says.

"Ruri, come back, fight it!" Yuya says, a second voice echos in his head.

"We're long past that point." Ruri laughs maniacally.

A door slams open, revealing our favorite black-haired gem-entusiest. "Serena!" She calls, for Serena.

"Honey! You'll get to see your friend get crushed infront of you! After, your next..."

"Thats not happening, I'm joining in, I'm going to free you, and return you to your normal self!" A single tear runs down Kotsu's face. "Lets do this!"

"Duel!" The 4 say in unison

Ruri lp - 4000
Serena lp - 4000
Kostu lp - 4000
Yuya/Yuto lp - 4000

"Our turn! We draw!" Yuya yells, switching with Yuto.

"Thats new." Kotsu says.

"I set 3 cards face-down and end my turn."

"I draw!" Ruri says, "I special summon Lyrrulusc Torquoise Warbler! Warbler brings a friend, that being Saphire Swallow. I use them to build the overlay network! I xyz summon! Rank 1 independant Nightingale, then use parasite discharge allowing me to fuse into Lyrrulusc Assembled Nightingale. Which's level raises to 3, then inflicting 1500 damage to you yuya!"

Yuto lp - 2500

"Then I attack you directly!"

"I use 2 lost vambrace, reducing your attack by 1200."

Yuto lp - 1800

"I then activate my Phantom Knight's Double Badge! Xyz summoning using the 2 lost vambrace. Phantom Knights Cursed Javelin."

"I end, Serena is up now."

"I draw, and I summon fusion parasite! I use parasite plant! I use Ruri's Assembled Nightingale, I fusion summon! Parasite Queen! Be Born!"

"Then parasite Plant equips both Fusion Parasites to Parasite Queen!" Parasite Queen, attack Cursed Javelin!"

Yuto lp - 1000

"I end my turn with a face-down."

"I draw!" Kotsu says. "Yuy- I mean Yuto! Cover me for a second! Hand ain't great." To which Yuto nods. "I set 4 cards, and then end my turn."

"No moves? What happened to those flashy combos?! Can't believe your my girlfriend!" Serena laughs maniacally.

"I draw!" Yuto exclaims. "Rank-Up Magic Burial Phantom Knights!"

"I then Xyz Summon! Cloacked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I xyz summon! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Action Spell! Single Destraction! If you control 1 monster, i can destroy that monster." It only destroys a fusion parasite. "Dark Rebellion, Attack queen!" "I activate my tra-" Serena tries to say "I activate my counter trap! Counter fusion! It allows me to fuse using monsters I control, in my hand or graveyard, or monsters on your field when you activate a trap card. I use parasite queen, and the monster Gem-Knight Iolite to fusion summon into Gem-Knight Nanite!"

"Go Yuto!" Kotsu says.

"I attack you directly Serena! Treason Discharge!"

Serena lp - 1500

"I set 2 cards face-down and end my turn."

"I draw!" Ruri says "I activate double Parasitic rebirth! I special summon back Parasite Queen and Fusion Parasite, which is equipped to the queen! Queen attack Dark Rebellion!"

"Nanite's effect activates! I can banish it, to end the battle phase!" "When it is banished, it special summons a banished "Gem-Knight" except itself, so come back Uranium."

Ruri sets 2 and passes to Serena.

"You're getting on my nerves hun! Draw! I activate Parasite Plant in my graveyard! Banishing it-" Serena is cut off.

"I activate Graveyard Punishment! By paying half my lifepoints or discard 1 card, I can negate a card that activates in the graveyard, then any effect for the rest of the turn that activates in the graveyard is negated." Kotsu replies.

"Like I said, you're getting on my nerves! I end my turn."

"I draw!" Kotsu says.

"I discard my Gem-Knight Quartz to set Brilliant Fusion, then I use it, sending lapis and lazuli to summon Lady Lapis Lazuli! I get to add lapis back to my hand due to lazuli"

"Lady Lapis Lazuli, activate! Remove Serena from the duel, crystal shatter!"

Serena Lifepoints - 0

As she looses, she disappears.

"Sereenaaaa!" Kotsu cries, enraged.

"Next you!" Pointing to ruri. "I activate the trap, Pyroxine Fusion!"

"I fusion summon using uranium, Lapis, and Lady Lapis, I summon Gem-Knight Master Daimond! Master Daimond banish Lady Lapis." Yuto realizes what she's doing.

"I chain Phantom-Knights Lost Vambrace twicemore, both targeting parasite queen. Then special summoning them."

"Uranium's effect special summons back Lazuli. Now go Master Daimond! Copy Crash!"

"W-w-we can talk a-about th-this r-rigaaaaAAAAA" Ruri yells

Ruri lp - 0

She disappears like Serena

"Ruri!!!" Yuto yells, switching back to Yuya.

"Lets go find them Yuy-Yuyto?" Kotsu says,  to which Yuya laughs.

-authors note.-

I-i don't know if it lives up to the hype... especially at how fast the duel was, but what will happen next time? Find out!

Fusion takes 2! (Moonstoneshipping) (Serena X Masumi Kotsu)Where stories live. Discover now