Chapter 16

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Third person's Pov

After the emotional moment had gone by, Yong Hwa immediately sat Han Byul on the sofa. He even served some sweet drinks and some cutted fruit.

Jae Ha excuses himself to settle some business with Dong Jun after confirming that Han Byul will definitely rest with Yong Hwa surveillance.

"Next time, even if you feel a slightly uncomfortable feeling, tell me right away. I will make sure to bring candy with me around. If you feel tired, just take a rest. We won't be mad at you for taking a rest, you know?" Yong Hwa says.

"That's right. We won't be mad. After all, you are the most hard working among us. You deserve to take a rest too. You're a human, mom. Not a working robot." Hyun Soo says.

"Alright. I will tell everyone when I feel unwell, okay?" Han Byul says and smiles at how all of them are surrounding him but still gives some space to not suffocate him.

"That's what I thought." Yong Hwa says and lays his head on Han Byul's lap.

"You are not a kid anymore, don't you know that?" Han Byul says but still let Yong Hwa lay on his lap and start caressing his hair.

"Just let me be for today. It's been so long since we were by ourselves. I also need my best friend for myself." Yong Hwa says and swats whoever tries to separate him with Han Byul.

'No wonder he was sad. Not even my best friend was that possessive of me. Not even my ex.' Se Ri says and laughs.

'What can I say? We used to be only by ourselves before we made it into the group. Therefore, we are each other's safe space. Yong Hwa even beat up the bullies because they pushed me in the hallway before. I can say that bullies tremble every time Yong Hwa looks at them.' Han Byul says and giggles.

'Just like what a big brother will do if someone touches his baby brother.' He Jin says.

'Just like that.' Han Byul says.

"I will definitely kidnap you from these kids someday. They need to learn how to be independent." Yong Hwa says, making Jae Won, Ha Neul and Rae Jin mad. They slap Yong Hwa's tummy in exchange.

"He's our mom." Jae Won says. The other two just agree with him.

"He has been my best friend for more than 10 years. He's my BEST FRIEND first before your mom." Yong Hwa says.

Yong Hwa smiles proudly after saying that, because he knows they can't argue with that. He is and always will be Han Byul's best friend. No one can replace him for that title. If anyone dares to, he will fight till the end. With violence.

If Yong Hwa ever meets the Blue Moons gang member, he will surely become Han Byul's right hand man. He can fight pretty decently. At the least he can defend himself from any incoming danger.

'Han Byul's Knight' is Yong Hwa's nickname when they start high school together because Yong Hwa will fight whoever picks on Han Byul. He even gives a death glare at the teacher who is making fun of Han Byul's appearance. That teacher saw his live flash in front of his eyes when he looked at Yong Hwa's eyes.

"Alright, alright. No need to fight. Let's go grocery shopping tomorrow. I need to fill the refrigerator." Han Byul says to Yong Hwa.

"You really can't stay still even for a day huh?" Yong Hwa says and glares at Han Byul.

"I ask you to go with me. I will be fine then. Also it's just grocery shopping. It's not that tiresome." Han Byul says.

"Alright. But today you need to rest. Don't even think about cooking. Or you will not go tomorrow." Yong Hwa says.

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