Chapter 12

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For the long awaited update.

*A week later*

Han Byul's Pov

Dong Jun, Sae Jin and 8 other bodyguards were recruited right after their first interview, due to their clean and nice record. Sae Jin and Dong Jun stay with us in our dorm while the others stay at bodyguard quarters.

"I hear that we will be filming a variety show later on. Is it true?" I asked our manager.

"Yes. It will be about your daily life. They will just set cameras up around the house and won't bother you guys much. Just act like usual." He says.

"Ouh… ok then. It's not that hard." Yong Hwa says.

"For you, yes. For me, I don't think so. It will be the same chaotic and messy dorm that I will need to clean because 'someone' keeps leaving their mess behind." I say and glare at Yong Hwa. He was the messiest among the others.

"I forgot okay? I didn't mean to leave the rubbish around. I want to throw it outside but I need to do something else at the same time. I got distracted and forgot them." He argued and pouted.

"Pouting doesn't suit you at all. It makes me wanna hit you." I say jokingly and laugh.

"Whatever." He says and looks outside until we reach our dorm. As soon as we arrived, we saw a filming crew already waiting in front of our building.

"You must be from xxx Ent. Welcome." Our manager greet the producer while we greet everyone around us.

"It's our pleasure to be working with you guys. Hope we get along well." The PD says.

"It goes both ways. Hope we get along. Let me show you the house. Your crew might need to install more cameras." Our manager says. Our house was not that big before but we moved to a new house that had 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.

As soon as the crews arrive, they survey the surroundings before they start working on setting cameras around the house.

"Is it necessary to set the camera in the bathroom?" I ask, feeling awkward.

"It's just to show the fans your living space. You can cover the camera if you feel uncomfortable. Is it possible for a few of us to stay with you during the day? Just to help around. We will only stay at 9 am until 9 pm." The PD says.

"Of course. I will clean the room for you later." I say. We usually share a room in pairs. But since we need to give 1 room to the crew, we change our roommate.

Yong Hwa and Rae Jin share 1 room. Hyun Soo ang Hyun Min share 1 room. Dong jun, Sae Jin and Jae Ha share 1 room. Me, Ha Neul and Jae Won share 1 room. Only Jae Ha and Jae Won change their bedroom.

"Stay over for dinner. I will cook something for everyone. You guys did a good job. You guys deserve a break." It was late when they finished setting the cameras and everything. Since they have worked hard, I'm just inviting them over for dinner. Our manager also stayed for dinner before going home.

I just make a simple dinner since I need to cook for 25 people at the same time. I make Sujebi and Budae Jjigae. While I cook, Jae Ha is roaming around the kitchen and asking if I need help with anything. So I told him to set the table for the crew to eat.

When the kids saw Jae Ha opening some mini tables for the crew, they swarmed the kitchen to get the cutleries and glasses and proceeded to set them on the tables.

Ha Neul stayed and helped me around before going back to his brothers. Jae Ha just accompanies me in the kitchen while helping me from time to time. When the dinners are ready, everyone helps to pass the dishes around. It was a happy moment for everyone. Chatting around and getting to know others.

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