Chapter 9

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Han Byul's Pov

The next day

"Min jae, wake up. We are going to play at the beach. Don't you wanna come with us?" I try to wake him up slowly.

After Do Hyun caused a ruckus last night, Min Jae got scared and became attached to me and didn't want to leave my side. So I just let him sleep with me. Since Ha Neul was an aggressive sleeper, he slept with Jae Won and Jae Ha slept with us.

Right after Min Jae opened his eyes he looked around like searching for something.

"Can you tell me what are you looking for? Maybe I can find it for you." I told him.

"Usually when I woke up someone just told me to get working. But you want to take me to play outside. It felt like a dream." He says.

"From now on you can do whatever you want. Except for bad things. You can play whenever you want but safety comes first. Tell any of us if you want to go somewhere. Don't wander around far from us. Okay?" I told him.

"Okay." He says and smiles cutely.

"Good. Let's take a shower and get dressed. We will go with the others." I pick him up and head toward the bathroom.

Right after I picked him up, Jae Ha came back from his morning run.

"Hi Min Jae. Did you sleep well?" Jae Ha asks him and ruffles his hair.

"Yes. We will go to the beach later. I'm excited." Min Jae told him.

"Can you wake the others? I will wash him up first. I will help you later." I told him.

"Okay. Hurry up. I need to shower too." He says and walks to the other room to wake the others.

"Let's go." I say and run a little toward the bathroom which makes Min Jae giggles.

I already wash up before I wash Min Jae so it doesn't take long before we finish up. I dress him up with my old shirt that I left behind when I was a child. Luckily it comes in handy right now. Even if the clothes were a little bit big, it was better than using the one he wore before. I will just buy a new one for him later.

I let him wander around the house after setting him down in the living room. When I saw my parents walking down, I told them to watch Min Jae over while I take care of the other things we need to go to the beach.

I walk in my bedroom to take my shorts and shirt for a swim when Jae Ha walks out from the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. I turn around as quickly as I can when I see that.

"I'm sorry. I don't know you're here." He says and quickly puts some clothes on.

"It's okay. Give me your swimsuit. I will pack it for you." I told him and he handed me a plastic bag with shorts and underwear. 

Even when we joke about our relationship, we still know the truth that we are just friends at least if not just boss and employee. So it was kinda awkward to look at each other like that. After I get all of our stuff I go to the other room and pack their stuff with mine. This way no one will be left behind.

When I just finished packing all the stuff I heard Min Jae cries. I rushed downstairs with the bag. But since the bag was heavy I just left it on the top stair.

"What happened? Why are you crying? Are you hurt somewhere?" Min Jae came to me and hugged my leg right after he saw me.

"Bad person." He says and points at Do Hyun.

"He's not a bad person. He just had a bad day last night. He's okay now." I say and pick him up while soothing him. I signal for Do Hyun to get closer.

"See. He's not a bad guy. He won't hurt you." I say and Do Hyun smiles at Min Jae.

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