"Stay here" Tom said and left the car locking it behind him.

We walked over to a group of men and started talking to them. All the girls gave me looks for being in toms car, acting like I want to be in it or something. Tom then unlocked the car and signed for me to come over. I opened the door and looked around for a way to run and saw that the gates hadn't shut behind us. Before I could even move I felt a strong hand grip my arm and drag me over to Tom.

"Ah so this is your new girl Tom" one of the men said.

"She's a looker Tom I will give you that" another one said.

"And feisty this one has a mouth on her" Tom replied making the men look interested.

"And you allow that?" One of the men said giving Tom a questionable look.

"Oh she will learn to behave" Tom said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at his words, I'm not a dog he can't teach me to 'behave'.

'The race will begin in 5 minutes' a woman said through a loud speaker.

"Sure you guys don't want to race today?" The man said giving the boys a convincing look.

They all looked at each other and thought about it.

"Gustav is to drunk to race and we never race unless it's the 4 of us" bill replied.

"It's fine we and Georg will race and you stay with Remi, I don't trust Gustav will watch her in this state" Tom said making bill look mad.

"But why me why not Georg!" He asked annoyed.

"Because I know if she tries to run you will shoot her, Georg wouldn't" Tom replied making Georg look at him.

"So I'm weak to you, I'm stronger then you Tom"
Georg replied.

Tom turned to him annoyed.

"I'm letting you race over my brother, shut it" he said and walked over to his car and Georg walked over to his.

"Come on, we can go and wait in the bar" bill said pointing to a small building not to far away.

I looked over at the gate again to see if I could sprint to it.

"Don't even think about it" bill said grabbing my arm and leading me to the bar.

We walked in and Gustav was already there with a pint in his hand talking to some girl. Bill shoved me to tell me where to go and I went over to a table and we sat down.

"Your not going to talk to any girls?" I asked

He shrugged his shoulders and looked around.

"All the girls here just want money from all the racers" he replied "and I'm confused didn't you sleep with my brother before he claimed you and how did you get out the first time?" He added.

I didn't like the word 'claim' it made me mad.

"Well I thought it was a one night thing and the door was open when I left so I went home after what's wrong with that" I replied

"I thought Tom told you he wanted you as his new girl?" Bill asked confused.

"No I don't remember what happened after we got in the car my mine went black, my friend thinks he drugged me but I was willing to sleep with him so why would he?" I replied and bill made a face.

"Well he was planning on keeping you there but you woke up before he did" bill replied.

"I don't get it, why do you kidnap girls and take away basic things like privacy and there phones?" I asked.

Bill went quiet for a second.

"It's not your Business why we do it but for you I will say if Tom wants something he will find a way to get it, so if he wants something off you that you don't want to do he will make you do it" he replied.

I wasn't satisfied with that answer and saw that bill spills more information then Tom would so I kept going.

"But why can't you just call up a girl to come over if you want one instead of keeping us locked up in that house?" I asked.

"Like I said I can't tell you" he said.

We heard a loud crash from outside. I stud up to look out the big windows to see what happened and saw a car flipped over.

"Fucking Tom man" bill said and walked out of the bar.

I followed bill outside and toms car flew past us and past the finish line. I saw the fat man from the club crawling out from the car.

"What the" I said to myself making bill look at me and saw the man to.

"That's why he came here then" bill said and the car blew up.

I covered myself but bill grabbed me and shielded me from the car parts going everywhere. Bill held my head to his body to protect me. Tom came over looking proud. Bill let go of me and took Tom aside.

I looked over at the car now in flames as lodes of people went over to help put the fire out. I looked over at Tom and bill who where arguing and I noticed they where quite far from me. I looked around for a place to run and saw a small bit of broken fence I could squeeze through. I didn't even think about it I just ran over to the fence and crawled under it. I didn't recognise the area but I just ran down the road until I was out of breath. I hid behind a brick wall so I could catch my breath. I looked around to see if I recognised anything but I didn't. I heard a familiar car sound from down the road racing in my Direction. I held my breath because of it was Tom for knows what he would do to me if he found me.

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