What if?

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Monkey King cradled the small form in his hand. "No. No. No. No! Lin! You gotta wake up. Come on, Pebble. Please. I didn't mean to.... Just open your eyes! Move! Yell at me!" He started to shrink down to his normal height. "You stupid little-why would you get involved with this? You should have just run away with the rest of your village."

The girl said nothing. Her head lolled to the side, listless. "Come on, Lin. You went to Hell and Heaven in the same day." His scarlet eyes watered as he started to slowly sob. "You tricked me! You tricked the Dragon King! You're too tough to... to...."

"Die?" A loud voice echoed around him as he pulled the child's body to his chest. The small king glared up at the large form of Buddha, eyes burning crimson. "You were left to find your own fate. It appears you were always meant to be alone."

Monkey King recoiled, clutching the dead girl tightly. "W-what?" His eyes dart down to Lin, blood spilling down her face. "No. She said we were family. Lin, I-" Frantically shaking his head, he stared up at the Buddha. "She didn't deserve this! She was just trying to-"

"Make the world a better place? That was her fate. Remember her scroll?" Buddha calmly reminded the young immortal.

The king remembered the look on the girl's face as she told him what her scroll said. He also remembered scaring her after she actually listened to his advice. Regret was a bitter taste.

"That's- No. That isn't fair! She's good and nice and she... she believed in me." Monkey pressed his face into her hair, tears dripping down his cheeks. "Lin, we are a family. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! Sister, please wake up!"

Wukong jerked forward, panting heavily. He stared down at his hands, haunted by the feeling of a small chest no longer rising and falling. A sleepy mumble drew his attention. "M'key?" Lin half opened her eyes, gazing up at the shaken king. "You kay?"

"Yeah." He hurried to whisper, laying back down and hesitantly wrapping his arms around her. "I'm okay. Just go back to sleep." He hid his trembling hands in the blanket covering them.

"Hmm." She curls into his chest, already nearly asleep. "M'kay." Within seconds Lin was passed out, drool slowly accumulating on the monkey's shirt.

Wukong held the small form of his sister, eyes locked on the slow movement of her breathing. "I'll keep you safe, Lin. I won't let anyone hurt you." His tail wrapped around her ankle. The girl said nothing, merely snuggled closer to the Sage. He smiled softly, nuzzling the crown of her head as she clung to his chest. "I got the bravest, strongest, little sister ever." Wukong whispered, warmth spreading through his chest. "I'm going to teach you how to protect yourself. Not because I won't be there to protect you, I'd never leave my family like that. But so that you can protect our family too, not that I need it. Usually. And... it scares me that you might need me, and I won't be there fast enough." Deciding that was enough emotional vulnerability for the year, Wukong shut his eyes and fell asleep.

A few minutes later, Lin opened her eyes and stared at her brother. She sniffled, hugging him tighter. "I love you too, Wukong. Best big brother ever."

Misadventures of Monkey King and LinWhere stories live. Discover now