How Are You Still Alive?

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"Lin?" The newly freed Monkey King gasped as the young girl stepped out from behind the Pilgrims. She looked nearly identical to the last time he saw her.

"Hey, Monkey! Been a whi-woah!" Lin yelped as the simian zipped over to her and lifted her into the air with a boisterous laugh. Her braid flew behind her as he twirled her around.

Stick hummed loudly as the immortal pulled her into his chest. "How are you even alive? I was in there for ages!" Hugging his little assistant tightly, the ginger monkey whispered into her hair. "I thought you would have died a long time ago." He had fully believed he would never see the kindhearted human ever again. It was a hurt that had taken over a century to dull. 

Lin hugged him back just as tightly. "I missed you, Monkey." She smiled against his shoulder.  Stick hummed loudly, bouncing next to them. "Missed you too, Stick. I think we can thank Buddha for this. After everything that happened, I started noticing weird things. I wasn't really getting older, I could see spirits and demons, and I started to just know things. Looks like you're stuck with an assistant for a long time, Monkey King." 

"Wukong." He pulled back to see her confused face. "Sun Wukong. That's my name." The king smiled shyly, tail swaying behind him. "You like it?" 

"I love it." Lin grinned, eyes glistening as she chuckled. She gave him another big hug, fighting back tears. "I always wanted a big brother." His arms tightened around her. "Think I got a pretty great one."

"And I always wanted a family." Wukong beamed at the girl, plucking her up and setting her on his shoulders. He turned back to the small group staring at them. "West right? What kinda journey are you on?"

"Since when did the infamous Great Sage have a sister?" The baffled pig demon asked, looking between the two. "And how is she some human child. You are human, right?" Lin shrugged, smirking. "What does that mean?" 

"Pigsy, please calm yourself." The monk patted the large demon on the back. "I believe they are sworn siblings. Much like you and your brothers." He turned towards the two and bowed. "Buddha has tasked us with retrieving sacred scrolls in the West and bringing them back." 

"Sounds like it could be fun! What do you think, Lin?" Wukong glanced up at the girl while Stick hummed excitedly. 

"I think we should help them." Lin smiled at the pilgrims. "We'll join your journey to the West." 

Misadventures of Monkey King and LinWhere stories live. Discover now