Chapter 9 - Making A Mistake

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[Word count - 937]

Disclaimer: The following chapter is based on a true story that happened to me in high school.

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

Your POV

I had a lot of fun celebrating Aya's birthday with her. I took so many pictures and had them saved onto my phone. Just seeing her smile does melt my heart, and I want to be able to see it everyday. However, it was easier said than done.

It should go without saying that I have a huge crush on Aya, and the other girls from Pastel*Palettes can see it, too. They did their best to tell me that I should take a chance and confess to her, but I guess... being scared out of rejection is what's stopping me from doing so. 

After an hour or two has passed, I received a text message from Aya herself.

Aya's text: Hey, are you free?

Your text: Yeah, I'm free. Why?

Aya's text: Awesome. Do you think you can meet me at Hazawa Coffee later today?

Your text: I guess I can. Is there a special reason for that?

Aya: You'll see once you get there. ;)

Your text: Oh, okay.

Aya didn't respond after that, but she made me confused now. What did she want to talk about? I guess I'll find out once I get there.

30 minutes later...

Location - Hazawa Coffee

I had to dart from my house to Hazawa Coffee. Normally, I wouldn't bother trying to run, but since this is Aya were talking about, I wanted to get there as early as possible.

I arrived at Hazawa Coffee and looked around to see if I can spy Aya anywhere. Right away, I was able to find her. She smiled and my heart melted again, then I hear her calling out to me.

"Hey, come sit with me." She said.

I nodded as I made my way to her table, and sat across from her.

"Hey, thanks for coming." Aya smiled at me.

"Y-Yeah, no problem at all." I replied, stuttering a little bit as well as blushing.

After a moment of silence, Eve came over to us, and I was taken by surprise to see her.

"Oh, Aya-san, (Y/N)-kun. Good to see you."  Eve said with her sweet smile as usual.

"Hi Eve-chan, working part-time today?" Aya asked.

"That's right, and I am here at your service." Eve said as she smiled at us.

"I didn't know you work here, Eve." I said.

"That's right. Part-time. I've mentioned it before, haven't I?" Eve questioned.

"Umm, I don't think so." I said while trying to recall. Maybe she has, and I forgot all about it.

"Well, regardless, you know now, and that's the important part." Aya said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I replied.

"So anyway, what will you like to order?" Eve asked us.

"Good question..." Aya said as she looked at the menu. "I think the parfait looks good, so I'll have that."

Eve wrote it down.

"And what about you, (Y/N)-kun?" She asked me next.

"Hmmm... the brownie and ice tea looks good, so I'll have that." I said.

Eve wrote it down, and walked away to take care of our orders. Now I am alone with Aya again. She and I stared at each other for a while, and I felt my heart racing. I muster up the courage to start a conversation.

"Thanks for inviting me to join you." I said, still a little nervous.

"Yeah, of course. I really wanted to tell you something anyway." She replied as she starts to blush a little.

"You do? What is it?"

Aya took a deep breath before saying anything.

"I want you to know that... I have a crush on someone." She said.

Hearing that made me uneasy. Her having a crush on someone? That can literally be anyone, and it breaks my heart a little bit.

"O-Oh, it's that so?" I nervously asked.

"Yeah, and that special someone is sitting right in front of me." She replied.

That's when I realized I knew who she was talking about.

"Wait, do you mean... me?"

Aya nodded as she blushes even more.

"Yes, (Y/N)-kun, you're the one I have feelings for."

Now it was my turn to blush as Aya kept on talking.

"I liked you ever since we first met. I know it might be weird for an idol to be in love with a fan, but trust me, I really do love you."

Aya placed her hand on top of mine, and she was blushing even more. I was blushing as well. After all, Aya was making psychical contact with me.

"Now tell me, how do you feel about me?" She asked.

It was here that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

"Well, Aya, I really like you too." I began. "But..."


"I don't know if I'm ready to be committed to a relationship." I said. Oh god, why did I say that?

Seeing the sad look on Aya's face was beginning to break my heart.

"Oh, I see..."

"Aya, I-"

I try to say something, but she cut me off instead.

"It's fine, I understand how you feel..." She said sadly.

Before I knew it, she got upset and ran out of Hazawa Coffee with tears in her eyes. Oh god, I really screwed up here...

To be continued

A/N: Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you guys liked it and I'll see you in the next one. :)

BanG Dream: My Favorite Idol [Maruyama Aya x Male Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin