Chapter 2 - Proper Introductions

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The following weekend...

Location - Station Entrance

Your POV

Today was finally the weekend, and I decided to make the most of this. I usually get out of the house and go somewhere while my father plans out his classes for the week, as well as doing grades. This time, I decided to go to the mall and began to look around at some of the stores. This simple trip to the mall might be a bit boring, but I am praying for something interesting to happen while I am over there.

As I continued making my way to the mall, I looked up at the sky. It was nice and sunny, a perfect day to be out of the house. However, by me looking up at the sky, I wasn't looking ahead of me, and I bumped into someone again. For real, I need to stop bumping into random people.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." I said, apologizing to the person in front of me.

"It's okay. I'm not hurt." The person replied. Wait a minute, that voice...

It took me a minute for me to realize that I was talking to the one person I thought I would never see again.

"Aya-san?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's me." She said before realizing something.

"Oh, I remember you. You're the one who helped me find my glasses, right?" She asked.

"Y-Yeah, that was me." I said as I start to blush a little. I'm now happy that she remembers me.

"Thank you so much. I was afraid I was never going to find them." She said.

"I take it that is your favorite pair of glasses?" I asked.

"Yeah. Whenever I go out and not wanting to be noticed by fans, I would wear those glasses. Although..." She said and began to trail off.

"Although?" I asked.

"I'm not usually that noticeable in public, unlike people like Chisato-chan, who always get noticed by fans." She said. I guess I can't blame her for thinking that way. During the time I've been following Pastel*Palettes, I noticed that Chisato was a little more popular than the others because of her status as an actress.

Seeing the sad expression on Aya's face is making my heart break. It almost looked liked she was going to cry. I think I know a way to cheer her up a little bit.

"You know, Aya-san, if it makes you feel better, I was able to notice you right away." I said and smiled at her.

She gave me a little smile.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that." She said.

Then she realized something again.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm over here talking to you and I don't even know your name." Aya said feeling embarrassed.

"No need to apologize, I probably should've introduced myself earlier." I said and cleared my throat.

"Hi there, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), and I'm quite a big fan of Pastel*Palettes, especially you, Aya-san." I said, giving out a proper introduction.

"(Y/N)-kun? That's a nice name." She said and giggled a bit.

Hearing that made my heart skip a beat a little. Aya likes my name... no one has ever said that to me before.

"Really? You think so?" I asked.

"Of course I do. I'm going to remember that name forever." She said. Aya is much more sweeter in person than I thought.

"I'm so happy that you said that."

Aya giggled again, then we shook hands before our conversation could continue.

"So, (Y/N)-kun, what are you up to now?" She asked.

"Oh, I was going to go over to the mall and do some window shopping if you wish to join me." I offered.

"I wish I could, but I'm supposed to meet up with a friend soon, and I probably shouldn't keep her waiting." Aya said, feeling a bad.

"I understand. Sorry for holding you up." I said.

"No need to say sorry. I better get going, though. It was nice meeting you, (Y/N)-kun." Aya said as she began to take off, but then I stopped her.

"Wait a minute, Aya-san, can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Hm? Yeah, what is it?"

"Do you think... I can see you again someday?"

She smiled at me.

"If my schedule works out for me, then maybe." She said.

She waved goodbye to me and off she went. Her response was a "maybe", but to me, that "maybe" is a sign of hope, and I hope that day comes soon.

A few minutes later...

Location - Hazawa Coffee

Aya's POV

I walked into Hazawa Coffee, the place I was trying to get to earlier, and when I walked inside, I spotted the friend I was going to hang out with.

"I'm here! Sorry to keep you waiting, Eve-chan." I said as I sat down across from her.

"No, it's okay. I just finished my shift here." Eve replied with a gentle smile.

"That's good to know." I said letting out a sigh of relief. It's a good thing that Eve is very understanding.

"Although I was a bit worried when you weren't showing up. Did something happened?" Eve asked as she expressed her concern.

"You could say that..."

I told Eve on how I ran into a fan on the way here, and told her that I was his favorite member of Pastel*Palettes. After explaining, Eve couldn't help but be happy for me.

"That's wonderful, Aya-san. I'm happy that you were able to find a fan like that." She said.

"Yeah, I'm happy about it, too." I replied.

"Do you think we could meet him someday?" Eve asked.

"Well, I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting the five girls that he looks up to." I said. However, there was only one issue with that... Chisato. If she found out about this, she would scold me to no end.

To be continued

A/N: That is it for chapter 2, and I hoped you guys liked it. How do you think Chisato is going to react to Aya being friendly towards a fan? Only one way to find out...

See you in the next chapter, and have a good one. :)

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