Chapter 25

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Jahseh's pov

I pull back up to the girls apartment. I haven't been back to my own house in lord knows how long. Nychole cleared out a space in her closet and some drawers so I can always have my own clothes when I'm here. She always does the smallest most thoughtful things which I love and appreciate. I see her curled up napping with sora. Cat's ass was probably in some damn corner or with Brielle. Nychole was loves cat but she is allergic. She be wearing gloves and taking allergy medicine just to play with her.

I strip off my outdoor clothes knowing the last time I even dared get in her bed with outside clothes on she beat my ass with a pillow. Who knew niggas had such strict rules regarding their beds. I slid into the bed next to her gently kissing her neck.

She mumbles something in her sleep before letting out a gentle snore. As much as I planned on fucking her guts up when I got home I wasn't going to interrupt the peaceful sleep that she was experiencing. I gently stroke her head even tho she had her bonnet on. She curled in to my chest. Her body almost instantly relaxed as if she knew that I was there again. I smiled and fell asleep along side her.

Nychole's pov:

I wake up to something wet constantly dripping on my face. I groan and open my eyes to a drooling Jahseh laying on top of me. "Oh hell naw" I say seeing the long like of drool that was hanging from his mouth. He is such a big baby every time we woke up I always manage to find him clinging on to me in some way. I push his big body ass off of me. Jah might not be the tallest or the biggest but he is heavy. I got up walking into my bathroom that's connected to my room. I lucked out with the master bathroom in our apartment. I walked in to wash my face. Our flight for vacation leaves early as fuck in the morning so this was really just a lazy day for everyone. Jahseh walks in the bathroom standing behind me while grabbing his matching toothbrush that he kept here and brushing his teeth too.

I spin around sitting on the counter to face him. He spits his tooth paste out continuing to finish his oral hygiene  while I absent-mindedly trace the tattoos on his arms, tummy and chest. Once he was done he kissed my forehead. "Well hello my sleeping beauty" he says wrapping my legs around his waist. "Good morrow my drooling king" I say kissing his lips.

The thoughts of earlier today popped into my head as I kissed him making my cheeks tingle as I put my head down. I took my bonnet off while stretching my neck. "Who told you to stop kissing me?" Jahseh says grabbing my jaw making me look at him. I laugh to myself knowing that this niggas in in for a rude ass awakening. Jahseh has never gotten the bratty submissive side of me. Most of the time he has enough power to make me just melt into him. I was feeling spicy today so I decided to just be a brat. I look at him raising a freshly waxed eyebrow.

"Just a heads up I do what I want. If I don't feel like kissing you im not gonna kiss you" I say hopping off the corner moving around him and patting his chest. The nervousness and excitement jumped in my stomach as I walk back in to my room sitting on the edge of my bed. I suppress a smile as I text the group chat. "OUUUUUUWEEEEEEE THIS NIGGA FINNA FUCK MY SHIT UP YALLLLLL". He walks out the bathroom with this confused ass look on his face. I had to mentally keep telling myself to calm down so my eyes didn't shift colors. I continue to tell the girls the plan in the groupchat when a shadow fell over me. I look up to see him standing over me with that same expression. OH MY HEAVENS THIS MAN IS FINE. I swallow "Can I help you Jahseh?" I say masking the fear in my voice. "vro who the fuck do you keep talking to like that." He says taking my phone out my hand and setting it on the dresser.

Little does this nigga know this is far from over. He shouldn't have left me all horny and flustered earlier.

I look around the room, "I must be talking to you cuz it aint no one else in here" I say casually shrugging my shoulders and getting up. I walk into the living room and see all my homegirls sitting out there. I stick my tongue out letting them know the plan was in motion. I turn on the speaker and say who want a lap dance. I start giving Kire a lap dance making eye contact with jahseh. He raises and eyebrow and presses his lips in a line. I give him the same look back while continuing to throw ass. AND TRUST IT WAS BEING CAUGHT. Once everyone started hyping up I moved on to Brielle. Dancing to wine pon you I wine my waist while still looking at Jah. I seductively lick my lips as I turn and kiss Brielle. "OMG YALL LETS PREGAME FOR VACATION" I say after breaking off the kiss with Brielle.

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