Chapter 16

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Nychole's POV:

"So uhm... are you gonna explain what just happened?" Ski says beginning to cut his steak popping a piece in his mouth.

I sigh as the eyes that lined the table. I noticed Casey looked terrified of me. I gently place my knife and fork down on the table. I look up tucking a stray curl that escaped my ponytail behind my hair. "I have really severe anger issues. When I was younger I was abused and that led to years of pent up anger. Now whenever I get too irritated, I snap. I call her raven. She comes out and she has no remorse for anything she did. I try my best everyday to keep her tucked into the corners of my life." I say blankly staring at the people surrounding me at the table.

"Aye I gotta keep you around. You finna beat all these hoes asses when they play with me sissy. " Stoke says munching on a potato.

I chuckle at his childish behavior. Stokeley has very quickly turned into someone who is like a big brother too me and I loved him for it.

"So you weren't playing when I asked about dating Brielle and you said all that..." Casey says looking concerned.

"Absolutely not" I say cheesing at her. I think she is picking up on the fact that I don't like her all that much. She silently turns her head nodding and silently eating. I could feel X burning a hole in my head with his eyes. This nigga and his staring was going to be the death of me.

Jada and Brielle already knew about this so I wasn't expecting a response from them. However, Jah, I mean X, was the last person who needed to response. "Would you like to respond or just stare at me like I am fucking insane and I have devil horns coming out of my head" I say not taking my attention off of the piece of food I was cutting on my plate.

"I cant say too much. I have an alter ego named X. That nigga be beating ass" he says not breaking his stare. "ON GAWD" ski yells in agreement.

I slightly chuckle continuing to push the food around on my plate. I had lost my appetite some time ago and I was just emotionally and mentally drained. I excuse myself from the table and go out to the backyard where Sora brought me a ball. She was so cute I couldn't help but smile. I throw the ball before walking over to the pool. I pulled the pants on the sweat legs up and dipped my feet in the cool water. My feet swished around in the water before a pair of feet joined me.

I look to my right and Brielle is sitting there with her feet in the water as the sunlight bounces off of her glasses. I gently smile knowing her presence brings me comfort. I lean my head on her shoulder and she returns the gesture laying her head on mine and wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"You okay?" She asks staring at the water. I nod my head yes and gently sigh. "It's okay not to be okay" she gently reminds me. "I just want to be loved the way I could love someone" I say making my legs create little ripples in the water. "What happened to your crush on Jah? I thought yall was feeling each other." She says casually. "I thought we were too until he said ew we look like a couple today." I murmur feeling that familiar pang of sadness in my chest. "Damn. Maybe he was just joking. I think maybe he still likes you or something" Brielle says trailing off. "Or he doesn't and he is just like every other man who has led me on" I giggling at the thought of someone actually loving me for me. "Na nychole don't think like that." She says squeezing me into a hug. I give her a hug back and relax a little bit more. I hear the back door slide open not even bothering to see who it was. I saw sora playing with her toy over in the corner. That dog was so precious.

I feel a presence standing behind me and Brielle which causes me to turn around. Brielle turns her head shortly after me which causes her to get up before giving me a hug and a kiss on my cheek and retreating into the house.

I turn back around looking into the water as Jah sits down next to me with his mouth set into a straight set line. In an attempt to ease the awkwardness and the tension that had settled into the atmosphere, I connect my phone to the speakers that the house had on the outside. I start playing Love Scars 4 by trippie redd. I sing and hum along to the song tracing the tiles that were on the pool side with my finger. I watched as the sky turned into beautiful hues of orange and pink. I smiled at the sky. It was just so beautiful.

X placed his hand on mine which made me quickly yank it back and I placed them in my lap. I didn't turn my attention away from the sky. X let out a huge sigh and began to speak, "I don't know what I did to make you treat me like this." I chuckled and scoffed at his words. "We are nothing. It's no reason for me to be mad. You were right we do look disgusting as a couple" I say giggling. I wasn't even angry this time. Just disappointed.

"I- that's not what I meant" he stated. "So why say it X? Words hold power and that power can hurt feelings" I say pulling my legs out the water getting ready to go back in the house. He pulls my arm so I stay seated next to him. "Im scared of you hurting me. I like you a lot. You are so different from these other girls. You care. You aren't scared to fight for what you love. Im so scared Nychole. Promise you wont leave me." He says with with his eyes on mine. But the way his eyes looked they were deep. I could get lost in them. They were filled with so much love and admiration that was posted towards me. "I would never leave you. I know we've only known each other for like a month but I- I think I love you." I say letting my head fall down. "I love you too." Jah says gently lifting my head up so my eyes meet his.

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and I deepened it leaning into him. I crawled and straddled his lap kissing him as my hands roamed his body. This nigga never had on a shirt and I wasn't complaining as my hands fell on his chest. I pulled away from him with my forehead resting on his smiling. He smiled back. He was so beautiful inside and out. "Promise not to hurt me. Ill always protect you" He states with seriousness flashing across his face. "I promise. With you I got it all." I say laying my head in the crook of his neck.

"AYE YALL NIGGAS FUCKIN?? ON THE POOL DECK?! WATERRRRRRRR" Ski says from the back door. Me and Jah just look at him like bitch what the fuck... Because bitch what the fuck. "Uhm no we just chilling" I say pressing my lips into a tight line. "Damn right I can chill with my girl?" Jah says kissing me on my cheek. The rest of the group had came and formed by the door and their mouths hit the ground. Not gonna lie my heart was beating fast as fuck when he called me his.

All of a sudden ski runs and pushes us into the pool. It was hot as hell outside so I didn't really mind but bitch.

Brielle got my lick back for me by pushing Ski in the pool and the next thing I know were all in the pool splashing each other like a bunch of grown ass children.

After being in the pool for lord knows how long we lay on our backs passing a blunt. " I love you nychole." Jah says looking at me. "I love you too" I say smiling.


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