Chapter 17

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Nychole POV:

The silence was deafening as I watched the sky turn into beautiful hues of oranges and pinks. I sighed smiling. I love the sky. It was just so open and beautiful. I pull on the ends of my curl letting it pop back up. I was trying to fidget with anything that would distract me from the awkward tension that had settled in

"She's the reason I don't love anymore" Jah says quietly. I sat quietly fiddling with my nails waiting for him to continue talking. "No matter how hard I loved her. She would still cheat on me. Discard me. I was always just the person who she could come back to at night who would love her unconditionally. Then one night at a party... she got jumped. Then she lied and said I beat her. I went to jail and it broke me." He said quietly letting out a sniffle.

I was still a little upset with him but if we were going to be in a relationship there is no point in holding grudges. It isn't fair to treat me like shit because someone hurt you in the past. But I can still see why he was so cautious and wary of everything surrounding me. I pulled him into a hug letting his head rest on my chest. I slowly stroked his hair as he gently cried.

"I like you a lot nychole. Promise not to ever hurt me. Please. I cant take another heartbreak." He says as I wipe the tears off of his face.  "I promise" I say smiling into his hair.

We hear a door slam and Casey storming off. Me and Brielle make eye contact and I laugh cuz bitch why are you so dramatic. Brielle rolls her eyes at me and snatches the blunt out of my hands. "Damn hoe" I say laughing as she plops down in the grass smoking.

"She's cheating on me... I had her phone because mine was dead and this nigga kept texting her. I go through her phone and it was hella niggas in there. That would explain the condom she kept for memorabilia" Brielle says making everyone's mouths drop and me turn around and look at her. "Im going to beat her ass." I say laughing evily and getting up following in the direction Casey left in. "NO!" Everyone yells in union. I smack my teeth and keep walking. Everyone follows behind me and all of a sudden we hear a screech and the sound of a car accident.

The persons body flys up into the air and crashes down with a thud. We ran to the scene and we see Casey lying on the ground. "GET HELP" I scream trying to save her life. "YOU DUMB BITCH FIRST YOU CHEAT THEN YOU TRAUMATIZE THE FUCK OUTTA EVERYONE. I DIDNT EVEN LIKE YO BITCH ASS" I yell giving her CPR.

The ambulance comes and we follow behind them in Jah's car. "This shit look like the fucking Batmobile" Jada says lookin at the car. We all side eye her cuz now ain the time to be making jokes. I try to console Brielle's sobs as we get in the car.

Jah's hands were gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were white. He keeps glancing between Brielle and I and the road. I give him a look telling him to relax and I rub his shoulder.

Skip the rest of the car ride because I don't feel like writing it <3

Once we arrive to the desk we rush in as a group. "WHERE IS CASEY" Brielle asks frantically. "Ma'am im going to need to you calm down." The registration lady says casually. "BITCH WE JUST WATCHED HER GIRLFRIEND GET HIT BY A CAR WHO THE FUCK IS FINNA CALM DOWN" I yell glaring at the lady. She nods her head and starts typing on her computer.

"She cant have any guest right now. Someone will be out to speak with you shortly. Please take a seat in the waiting area." She says rolling her eyes at me. I get pulled away from the lady before I can say something about how rude she was being.

After what felt like waiting for ages a doctor came to the waiting room. "Is the family of Casey Jones here?" He asks. We all quickly walk over to him. "Follow me please." He states before quickly turning. We all arrived at a room and casted each other worried glances. "Please sit" the doctor says rubbing his hands off on his pants. We quickly sat with out focused on the words that would come out the doctors mouth. "She passed upon impact" he quickly stated.

"Karma a bitch ain it" I mumble rubbing Brielle's back. Brielle begins to laugh and I begin to snicker. Ski and Jah look at us as if we were insane. I look at the doctor and thank him. He quickly nodded his head and walked out of the room. I looked at jada who was holding a face that let me know she was trying not to laugh. We made eye contact and bust out laughing. Brielle began to laugh with us. "You good bestie?" I ask looking at her.

"Yea Ill be alright. I only knew the girl for like a month." She says shrugging her shoulders. I nod my head and we all walkout of the hospital.

Listen yall... I know I've been gone.... Idk life has been chaotic as hell. I just wanna scream. Anyways yall I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know its short. But you get the point. LIVE LAUGH LOVE BESTIES. Yall mad i killed her off?? Im not el oh el. ANYWHOOOOO SEE YA NEXT CHAPTER. DRINK SOME WATER EAT SOME FOOD GET SOME REST I LOVE YOU MWAH

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