Chapter 10

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Hi bookies.... Ight so I know I've been gone for like... a very long time but the semester started again and I've been busy as hell. This chapter is short but enjoy. Also I chose this song for this chapter because it reminded me of how the beginning of catching feelings feels. I think it can accurately describe how Jah and Nychole feel. Bitch just listen to the song and enjoy. Also happy belated birthday to JahJah
913 words enjoy

 Also happy belated birthday to JahJah913 words enjoy

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Jahseh's Pov:

Nychole sat with Sora laying on her lap as she touched up her makeup covering the tear marks from where she was crying. I sat in a rolling chair across from her fidgeting with the buttons and shit on the table. There was a comfortable silence that fell upon the room. Nychole had aux and she was humming along to the songs that would occasionally play though the speaker. "Jahhhhhhh" nychole wined which came out almost sounding like a moan. I spun around in the chair to face her. Her bottom lip was poked out as she was pouting. "Can I pweaseeeee take sora she wuv me so much" she says admiring the dog who had fallen asleep in her lap. I chuckle at her childish behavior and tell her no. She pouts more sitting back and crossing her arms. "Im hungry as hell and these munchies are kicking my ass" She says throwing her head back in frustration.

Just a few seconds later everyone comes back into the studio with bags of food. Brielle and her girlfriend carried in drinks. While ski and jada carried in the ihop. "So yall niggas all went on a food trip without me and seh seh" Nychole says pursing her lips at the group of people. This girl was always calling me something that wasn't my name. It was actually kinda cute but I couldn't let her know that. "Bitch please we was trying to give you space to-" Brielle says. Nychole cut her off by giving her the classic black mom tight lip and mentioning for her to shut up. Nychole awkwardly chuckles looking stiff as hell before she grabs her food.

"AYE BITCH LOOK WHAT I GOT" ski says chasing me with a taser. "AHHHHHHHH" I yell as the taser comes into contact with my side.

Ski looks at me trying not to laugh. "See now Im finna beat yo ass vro" I say before chasing after him. Everyone else watched as we began to slap box.

Nychole, Jada, and Brielle were taking pictures and making tiktoks with the songs they had recorded. I found it a little strange because they always wore these weird ass masks. Almost like they wanted to be anonymous or something.

Nychole watched me as I sat eating my food. Her face was hard to read sometimes. I wondered what went on in her mind. But sometimes I knew exactly how she felt. I could feel it when something in her mood would change. She stood up pulling her skirt down on her brown legs. She walked up to me grabbing a napkin and gently wiping my face off. She walked behind me throwing her arms over my shoulders while laying her chin on my shoulder. She smelled good. The scents of vanilla and florals played gently in my nose as I looked at her arms. I noticed the scars on them but they seemed like they had healed.

"Im glad you stopped doing that to your body. It's too precious and it holds such a beautiful soul." I say at a tone just above a whisper so only she heard me. I feel her face turn into a slight grimace on my shoulder as she slightly turns her arms so the scars aren't visible anymore. She lets out a slight sigh as she hugs me.

We spend the rest of the day relaxing in the house. Brielle and Casey were on the deck talking about whatever lesbians talk about. Jada and Ski were debating what the best thing to roll with was. Jada was also trying to convince Ski that tequila and casamigos was better than Henny. I laughed at that because if you know ski you know all that nigga drinks is Hennessy. Nychole sat on the floor in between my legs as I played the game. Sora was cuddled up in her lap again as she rested her head on my thigh. I took a picture posting it on Snapchat and tagging her in it. She looked so peaceful as her face focused on the TV.

"Uhm Jah... Who tf are all these people adding me on Snapchat?" She asks showing me her phone which had a bunch of notifications from the apps. "Probably just my cult." I say glancing down at her before turning my focus back to the game. "Erm okay" she says locking her phone and getting comfortable on my thigh again. Eventually light snores came from her letting me know she was sleeping. I scooped her up and placed her in my bed throwing the covers over her. She curled up and looked like an angel sleeping. I snapped a picture and saved it to my phone. I crawled in bed next to her and fell asleep shortly after.

Yeth this chapter was short as hell... I have writers block and my professors been on dick with all these damn assignments. Okay DRINK WATER EAT FOOD I LOVE YOUUUU

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