Not Cliff. James.

If they hadn't already made eye contact, she would've turned and escaped back into the break room.

He stood and looked at her expectantly.

Hannah approached him, confused by her mixed feelings of anger, a sense of loss, and even longing. "What are you doing here?"

He glanced at the floor then back at her. "It's been a while. Just wanted to drop by to see how you're doing."

She folded her arms across her chest. "How I'm doing? You mean after you dumped me?"

"Don't get angry. I didn't come to fight."

Hannah's heart pounded. It pained her to be standing in his presence, reliving his rejection of her. "If not to fight, then why did you come?"

"To see how you're doing."

"You already said that."

He sighed and gestured to the neighboring bar stool. "Sit with me, please."

She knew she shouldn't, but maybe if she let him say what he had to say, he would leave. She sat.

James took his seat beside her and swiveled on his bar stool to face her. "I've been doing some thinking."

Hannah stared straight ahead at the beer taps behind the bar and said nothing.

"I should never have hurt you. I realize now how much of a coward I was, especially after all the years we spent together."

She faced him. "Get to the point. What are you trying to tell me?"

"I made a mistake, a horrible mistake. I never stopped loving you, Hannah, and I want you back. I'm asking for your forgiveness and a chance to pick up where we left off."

Feeling numb at his declaration, Hannah repeated his last words in a droning tone. "A chance to pick up where we left off."

"Yeah. Instead of turning you away, I should've asked you to marry me. Do you think we can rebuild our relationship and work toward that goal?"

Hannah took a moment to process his words amid her own swirl of emotions. It would be so easy to give in to him, to revel in the satisfaction over how he had come crawling back to her, and to reclaim all their lost relationship momentum.

Looking into his soft brown eyes, she had to admit she also missed the easy physical intimacy the two of them had shared. A longing for his body wormed its way into her core.

As if reading her mind, James tried taking her hand.

She pulled away, remembering what led to their breakup. "You said I was nothing but an opportunist who wanted you to take on my debts. After I lost my job, you felt I was looking to you as my meal ticket. Do you have any idea how much your words hurt me? What you did to me was emotional abuse."

"I already told you I made a mistake. I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll support you financially."

She slid off her bar stool and glared at him. "You still don't get it. I don't want you to support me. I want to take care of myself and never intended to lean on you financially. You are the one who made that assumption."

James scoffed. "What? You mean you can live on your earnings as a waitress?"

"Go to hell, James, and by the way, I'm not a waitress. I'm a server." She turned to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist.

"Look, I know it's going to take some time for us to reconcile, and I want you to know I'm going to fight for you. I'm going to keep trying until I win you back."

"Let go of me!" She pulled from his grasp.

Their commotion caught the attention of the bartender. He approached. "Hannah, is this guy bothering you?"

"No, he was just leaving."

James regarded the bartender. He stood and slapped enough money onto the bar to cover his tab. He turned to face her. "I love you, Hannah, and I won't give up. I promise."

She turned away so he wouldn't see her tears forming. "Don't bother. It's too late." Then she wondered if she was making a mistake by letting him go.

" Then she wondered if she was making a mistake by letting him go

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Hannah's old wounds have been rubbed raw again. How will this affect her relationship with Cliff?

Photo Credit: Pexels/Kindel Media

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