A figure was walking through the halls of Pauper's drop, somewhere near the Sinclair Deluxe, after a minute or so the figure collapsed, either from exhaustion, or something else she didn't know. But she knew an opportunity when she saw one. "Perfect." She muttered to herself as she dispatched some of her family to capture the pre-teen. "Sofia will be pleased."

Sometime later Ryan found himself half awake. His vision still blurry; he could just make out two Splicers approaching him. "This kid has more Adam inside him than any of the little brats. Let's get him!" One splicer yelled in delight. He was wearing a butterfly mask and a pin. He was ready to pounce when the other grabbed him on the shoulder.

"NO, remember-" the rest of what the other Splicer said Ryan couldn't hear. The one wearing the butterfly mask sighed, knelt over Ryan and said, "You're lucky ya little brat, but the next time we meet you're dead."

Ugh. Ryan wanted to pass out again, the Splicer's breath smelled awful. It was a combination of raw meat and fish that was left to rot. He felt himself being picked up. He guessed by the two Splicers. Which in and of itself was odd. Where were they taking him? Was his final question before he was out again.

When he awoke he heard a kind voice say "Put him in this room. Usually I don't like anybody disturbing her room, but this is an exception." Ryan felt himself being lowered down, his body touched something soft, it smelled nice too.

"Poor child. Don't worry, you're in safe hands here in the Rapture family." The soft voice said again. 'Rapture family?' Ryan wondered to himself before losing consciousness completely.


'Throat... dry.' Ryan thought wryly as he breathed in. It was as if he'd swallowed sand or something.

"This is not good. He's been like this for four days now, no response. I was tempted to throw a bucket of water on him to wake him up. But, well look at him! He looks more like a corpse than a boy." The same kind voice he heard before said.

"Poor boy. Hmm, I'll have the Rapture Family pray for the well being and health of the boy." A salty male voice offered.

"Thank you Simon."

"My pleasure always. But I do suggest you ask Gilbert Alexander for help. I'm sure he can help Grace." Simon Whales said before they left the room.

Some time later he heard... Grace, was it, come in. This time with what sounded like a security bot "Oh, he really is sick. Good thing you called me Grace." a male voice exclaimed.

"Can you do something about it Gilbert?" Grace asked.

"Of course. Not a problem. The boy seems to be suffering from dehydration and lack of nutrients. It's nothing that I can't solve." Gilbert said proudly before adding "I will be more than happy to take him under my care."

"Thank you Gilbert," Grace replied.

Ryan felt himself being picked up before losing his consciousness again.

Fontaine futuristics, Rapture:

Ryan began to regain consciousness, opening his eyes he was up on his feet a second later at the sound of a motor spinning. He was barely able to dodge in time before a security bot flew at him with a pair of scissors. Yelling in surprise he reacted on instinct and punched the mini helicopter as hard as he could.

Watching warily as the bot recovered after slamming against the wall a few feet away he was rather surprised when a voice came from it. "So this is the thanks I get for saving yer life?" Ryan looked shocked that something, or somebody, was actually talking through a bot. That took intelligence most splicer couldn't even dream of. The bot hovered towards him slowly, and, using the scissors, cut a small bit of string from Ryan's shirt. "There much better" It hummed in satisfaction.

Inspecting his clothes he found himself in a clean white T-shirt and slightly baggy black pants. He absently noted how nice it was to wear clothes that actually fit for a change as he flexed, enjoying the new range of movement his bigger clothes granted.

"Come on now, Sofia Lamb is waiting for you!" The bot called as it floated out of the room he was in and down the hall. "Sofia Lamb?" Ryan asked himself, but his companion heard him. "Yeah, she's interested in you, says you're special."

Curiosity sparked inside Ryan, who was Lamb? He followed the bot, maybe he would get some answers if he followed. "Before we go anywhere else, step in this pod." The security-bot said as they passed a giant green cylinder made of bulletproof glass. Shrugging Ryan obeyed, getting in it and closing the doors a ring of light travelled from his toes to his head and then back down. This process repeated three times before the monitor on the outside of the tube beeped.

"Interesting..." It mused as it looked over the scan results, "Very interesting..."

To be continued...

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