Editors note

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Hi Nockris here typing to say that I take no credit for the story just the edit's I did and one character (I will mention this later), most were grammatical errors.

but the biggest was what I would call story grafting surgery, I took the original (2010) Little brother ( https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5938370/1/Little-brother ) story and grafted a addon story called (2011) Little Brother: Untold Story ( https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6761990/1/Little-brother-Untold-story ) and grafted the majority of it into the correct place and used the bonus chapter to cleanup the parts it had updated versions of.

as for why I did this, I did it because I love these stories, and it was disappointing to see them be left forgotten and rotting in the back of a digital warehouse. so I took two of them out of storage and cleaned them up and grafted together the two into a actually complete story. my biggest complaint about the original was that not enough time was spent as with Ryan as a little brother but the addon story had that but it was like a unfinished puzzle to me, it just didn't feel right and the grammatical errors were bothersome and only got worse on my fourth to eighth re-read.

overall I did this for myself, I wanted to have this. If I later get told by Desteny Star to take this down I will do so out of respect of their original work. Please go check out their other stories and support them, I only wish the best for them in their future fanfiction writing.

now as for what was said at the top about the added character. Rodey is that newly added character, he was added for a multitude of reasons, all of which have do do with the sequel stories called Big Brother, and Big sister. I can't give away too much as to why story wise because it has to do with fixing plot holes and widening the scope of the stories them selves. but I can give you two of the main reasons.

reason 1. due to how the story Big Brother (The fanfic) is written and the very existence of Big Sister (the fanfic) cause some problems. Big Brother (the fanfic) Is written in a two lane style "good" lane, and "bad" lane. much like how the events of Bioshock 2 make cannon the good ending of Bioshock 1, Big Sister (the fanfic) can only exist in the good time line, meaning that the bad time line is Null and gets thrown to the cutting room floor, "why would you do this?" You may ask, it is because these remaster are mainly to improve and make these great stories more cohesive. cutting the fic in half sucks and makes it shorter, so instead I decided to pad out the lost section with Rodey to expand on the chapter to make it more full, he will act as a emotional and general companion to Jacob. number two has to deal with that unfinished fanfic four called Rapture Infinite I plan on making it so each sibling has a book, Desteny Star make Jacob's and Sophie's, I will be making Rodey's from the bones of Rapture Infinite. 

And why the name Rodey? I don't know I, used some name generators while messing around with friends and the name sort of got stuck in my brain.  I thought it was cool, it was between Ethim and Rodey and William... I did not want to think of mr."I always come back" when writing Big Brother: re-told story.

here is a rat picture as a treat.

(the second story is being rebooted and is up)

Bioshock: Little Brother re-told storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang