Chapter 2: Super hero and their female sidekick

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(Desteny Star) Authors note: I am going to try and imitate people's different accents. Tell me how it goes.

Monday, 6:00 am, Rapture:

Mercury suits, the best apartments in Rapture are there. It is reserved for some of the most affluent members of Rapture society. The area is three stories tall and has a posh bistro in the center. All of the apartments have many grand rooms and each room has a grand view outside of Rapture. 

One of those apartments is where Ryan and his family reside. Ryan was sleeping in his room, taking off the blanket covering his head, Ryan peeked into his dark room. A faint light because of all the building lights kept the room slightly lit.

His room is painted blue, had a closet with a desk, the floor is covered with a white carpet, and there are shelves filled with books and toys. Daniel and Rachel tended to spoil Ryan a bit, being the only child of the family and so. Getting out of bed, Ryan walked over and pulled the curtains open to see the view outside. The lights of Rapture were amazing, usually Ryan would spend hours thinking about what type of fun things adults do at night.

He asked his parents a few times and they would answer that it was none of his business. But being a child Ryan could only imagine, be curious and ask, like any other child would. Closing the curtains Ryan walked over his bed and reached under it, took out a new recorder, he got some from Brigid Tenenbaum cause she felt sorry that the officer scared him. Plus she claimed she had no use for these.

 Pressing the record button Ryan began to say "Hello. Yesterday my dad took me to work, I got bored there so I went off exploring, then I found something really neat in a restricted room, a real life superhero, he didn't talk, but I am sure that when he gets on the streets of Rapture he will kick butt. My dad wasn't too happy about me going inside of the restricted area, he said he could lose his job" then Ryan stopped, he took the contraption with the message and hid it under his bed.

7:00 am, Mercury suites, Rapture:

Time for school as usual, Ryan hated Mondays for that, come to think of it everybody hates Mondays. Rachael took Ryan by his hand as they walked to the Rapture school, it is settled in the Marketplace, somewhere near the place that sells honey. Today there was a field trip to Ryan's amusements, Ryan has been waiting all year for that trip. "Honey remember, be good, stay out of trouble" Rachael reminded him, "Okay" said Ryan, his mother gave him some money for food and maybe to buy a souvenir before he went back home.

His third grade teacher is named Mrs. Miller, she has a name, but Ryan can't recall her saying it. She is from Paris, France, she's a very good teacher. She taught them everything from science, to English, to the history of Rapture, to maths and language, she is exceptionally good at it. Looking at her Ryan said "ХЕЛЛО" (Hello in Russian), "I vee your vather is right in something, Russians are very intelligent people" said Mrs. Miller with her thick french accent, "I also have a teacher that teaches me well" said Ryan, "Oh thank you, your a very sweet little boy" said Mrs. Miller then told the rest of the student's to stay close.

12:00 pm, Ryan's amusements, Rapture:

Ryan's amusements is just as great as the adults had promised. He always wanted to go, but his dad was too busy to take him there, so was his mom, what did she do? Ryan will never know. All he knows is that whenever she comes back she brings lots of beauty cream and a jar filled with some glowing green stuff, she often talks about this man named Doctor Steinman and about all the miracles he does to make people beautiful.

But that isn't important now, what is important is to have fun while he is still there with his best friend Fred. Fred is a boy from Germany, his features are rough, cut and square, big in size, his red hair complemented his tiny brown eyes, he looked like a wrestler instead of a bankers son like he said he is, "Hey Fred guess what" said Ryan as he walked next to Fred, "Oh mutant, why keep it to yourself?, spit it out" he said, he talked rough which is why he probably didn't have much friends, mutant, is the nickname he dubed Ryan, "I saw a real life superhero" whispered Ryan,

 "A SUPERHERO!!!" shouted Fred catching every bodies attention, "Shush, don't want them to find out"whispered Ryan,

 "Oh sorry" said Fred then added "what did he look like?", "He is big, bigger than your dad and my dad put together, wore a diver suit...", "A diver suit?" said Fred interrupting Ryan

 "Ya" said Ryan, "Where did you see im?" asked Fred, "I saw him in a restricted area where my dad works" Ryan answered,

"Wow your lucky" said Fred, "Well I wish...".

 "Vat you kids talking about, keep vup vith se rest of the class" scolded Mrs. Miller, "Sorry Mrs. Miller" said Ryan and Fred at the same time as they hurried up trying to keep up with the rest of the class.

3:00 pm, Rapture:

The field trip was over, time to go back home, as always Ryan expected his mom to be waiting for him back in school but she wasn't. He waited and waited till he was the only one in his class to be there, Mrs. Miller left too. Looking around the market Ryan saw many people, workers who sells their goods like fish, the people who bought the goods, some who were just passing through but nobody looked like his mother or father.

Sighing he guessed his mother forgot and decided to walk back home, it wasn't the first time such thing has happened. Daniel blames Adam for that. Putting his hands on his pockets Ryan walked through the market, occasionally bumping into one person or another, once out of the market Ryan found it easier to walk around. To Ryan it took half an hour to get near the Olympus heights.

"Finally I am almost the.....", 

" Come on Daddy, lets go find angels" a voice interrupted Ryan's thoughts. Ryan has never heard anything like that voice before, he knew it was a girls voice but it sounded weird. Looking around Ryan saw its source, took its breath away. A little girl was passing through, she wore a white dress, no shoes, her raven black hair is tied on braided pigtails. It took some time for Ryan to regain his breath, he has never seen any girl like that, she is... "Beautiful" he whispered, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, she looked around before looking back and calling "Come on Daddy hurry up".

Soon a giant golem appeared, he wore a diver suit, and had a drill in it's hand. Ryan recognized it, it was the super hero he saw back in the restricted room. The super hero ran his hand through the little girl's hair, she giggled and said "Come on the angels aren't going to wait", the superhero called back, it sounded like a bear. She merrily skipped away while her super hero followed her. Ryan's eyes followed the little girl, like they were hypnotized, who was she?, what is her name?, where did she live? there were some of the many questions inside of Ryan's head.

He wanted to go and follow the girl, find out where she lived, but he got a sick feeling in his stomach, his face grew hot, was he sick or something? "Ryan" he heard somebody call, looking back Ryan saw his mother, "Ryan I am so sorry, it's just that my appointment, it was overdue, I couldn't help it" Rachael said, "No mom, its okay, its okay" said Ryan as he hugged her "really, It's okay" he thought, "Come on let's go inside so I can make dinner" said Rachael, Ryan nodded as he and his mom went inside Mercury suits. As they made their way to their apartment Ryan couldn't take his mind off the girl he saw, he had to know who she was, or at least know her name.

To be continued...

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