010|| Broken secret

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ZAIN_E: oo, all dressed up for whoo?


user38: she's so fine

amaya.greicy: 😍😍


user83: lip combo 😖

user2: rashford better be ready for next season 😤

user28: r u tapped, why r u oab him in her comment section??

user2: bc he likes her posts

user28: and?? leave her alone tff

user21: I shipp #marva #norcus #mova


user4: mf needs to stop liking models pics

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I WALKED INTO the living room when I was struck by a sudden silence. It was a weird contrast after hearing my brothers' arguments and insults all day, yesterday. It seemed almost unnatural to me, as I could hear birds chirping outside the window.

My mother, who was positioned on the couch, reading some article on Facebook, too busy to look up to me.

"hi mum, what are you doing?" I went to her side and sat down beside her, glancing over at her phone.

Most mother's wouldn't bother to see what their kid was doing, even when they'd tried getting their attention. "mammaaaa, helllooo?" I repeated with exaggerated words, clearly getting impatient at my mother for her lack of attention.

"você não vê que estou fazendo alguma coisa?" she scolded. (Can't you see im doing something?)

"ma, i gotta tell you something" I smiled awkwardly, knowing it was most likely going to be a bad reaction from her.

"que? What did you do now?" She was quick to assume the worst.

"no ma, its just that I... I invited a boy over at 3" I quickly blurted out, hoping she didn't blow up on me.

" WHAT? oh my gosh. how dare you-" this isn't going well.

"ma, it's fine ill cancel-" before i could finish, she cut me off.

"how dare you not tell me sooner this house is a mess!" I huffed as she complained about the state of the house.

There was barely any mess and it was the cleanest the house had been in months, even if she refused to believe it.

"wait, he can come over?" I questioned, surprised "not liam, its someone else." I added, making sure she understood the situation.

"wait, he can come over? not liam, its someone else." It was as if my mother couldn't handle the truth, having some new boy in her home was definitely unheard of. She knew it couldn't be Liam because he was always welcome in out house.

𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒, marcus rashfordWhere stories live. Discover now