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"He believes we'll be trying to flee to Nirin, Zurambh or Sataria," James finally continued. "Which I don't understand how he thinks we'll manage, what with only enough money on our hands to make it through the week, much less get ourselves boarded onto a damned ship to either of those places. The fares are too high. The only way we'll be able to get aboard will be by somehow smuggling ourselves onto the ships right under the nose of all those regulators on the deck and the ship hulls."

The man started to lower his voice as if talking to himself, his words becoming a muttered mess to their ears. Sapphire shared an exasperated glance with Rueen; the latter shook her head with a light smile. They were used to it. Perhaps not everything had changed. These little things would never change just like the circle of seasons and the cluster of bees that appeared on the tulip fields in the rich spring.

"As if anyone in their sane mind would run off to Zurambh. Zurambh's at war. Sataria's no better. We've got a tyrant of a King and they've got a bloated pig. Nirrin's too strict with rules. They'll be handing us over to Parr themselves if we sneak in. We'd be jumping out of the mould and into the kiln fire."

"Father," Rueen finally saw fit to interrupt James' ramblings and the man lifted his piercing gaze from his stew, stopping mid-bite. "What made Kara think he knew about us?"

James gulped and cleared his throat as if realising all of a sudden that he was not alone in the room. "Tell me something. Have you two run into Toluer by any chance?"

Sapphire's eyes flicked to Rueen's and she bit her cheek; they had kept their encounter with the man to themselves, not wanting to burden James with another problem; he had seemed haggard enough these past few weeks. Sapphire felt a pang of guilt run up her spine. James looked between the two, his eyes half-lidded and one silver grey brow reaching high into his receding hairline, his forehead crumpled. He gave a sigh before lowering his head and crossing his hands below his chin. His teeth troubled his lower lip before his face became completely stoic.

Sapphire shuffled in her seat, her hands in her lap. The bindings of the kirtle she wore, suddenly felt too tight as she felt shame wash over her. She looked on, worried. James had always had the capability to make her feel abashed without uttering a single word. It was the way his face dropped into a serene expression and the only thing that expressed his increasing disappointment and fury was the cold fire in his eyes. Many a time, she and Rueen had been caught by him as they set up one mischief after the other or played around with the dainty vials he used to keep in his wooden cupboard, trying to find something that would make Orion itch for days. And despite the seriousness of the situation, the corners of her lips twitched at the memory.

Rueen kicked her leg under the table and sent her a warning glare, the intensity of which increased as she saw the amused glint in her friend's eye. The two turned back to James and waited for the verdict just as they had done many times before. The man sat still for what seemed like hours, his head bowed, eyes closed and lips drawn loosely; for a moment Sapphire thought he had fallen asleep. The two women sat side by side, eyes lowered and fingers fumbling nervously in their laps.

"When was this?" James finally spoke up, gazing up at them through his lashes, eyes flashing dangerously, warning them not to let any lie slip through their lips.

Sapphire opened her mouth to reply and her voice stuck in her throat, the only thing she managed to get out being a breathless gasp. She snapped her lips shut as James raised a brow at her.

"It was last week, Father," Rueen cut her eyes towards her and Sapphire frowned. "Sapphire accidentally ran into him in the market. You know how long Toluer has been working here. He knows most of the residents. And seeing as she doesn't look like a foreigner he decided to ask for her seal. A small fight broke out but It's a good thing she didn't have anything that related her to her sept."

The Halo Of Vakh (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now