XXIV Revelations

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On April 18, 2026, Brad went to attend the commencement ceremonies of PLM School of , computer Engineering. His daughter finally finished college. Oh! wouldn't he have loved if Janet was in the audience to clap for their daughter. Chiqui bid farewell to Brad as the ceremonies were about to start and they have to assemble.
As the ceremony started Brad still looking for Janet amongst the crowd, mind aimlessly wandering suddenly heard as the audience became suddenly quiet. After the master of ceremonies introduced the guestd of honor, she called onMiss Chiqui Kee to present a valedictory speech as the magna cum Laude of batch 2026. Chiqui was happy but felt an emptiness while delivering her speech. She pointed at her Dad lifting her medal. We did it dad! To God be the glory. Wish mom and Chanda were with us, I know they'll be overjoyed.
Suddenly a young lady near the stage. yelled at Chiqui pointing at her and was whooping it up. Chiqui was startled and the audience left.gleefully dumbfounded.
After the ceremony, ,Brad looked for , Chiqui. Chiqui was busy congratulating fellow graduates but what concerned Brad was the younger girl who was continuously hugging Chiqui and as he slowly came closer he realized it was Chanda, his little ray of sunshine. All three of them locked in an embrace and started kissing each other.
As they went home, Chanda can't keep herself from querying Chiqui, you blew my mind! How can you have done it I remembered you struggling with calculus and chemistry in your freshman year. They just all laughed lustily.

Brown Eyes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें