V. There's a new kid in town

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After the hectic day Dr. Pong Kee was totally exhausted. His youthful staff except Nay Estelle and the elders asked him to come along and unwind after a hard day's work They drove on a red pick-up to neighboringSan Vicente  town in New Agutaya dark long white beach.It would have been a splendor to see this 14 kilometers of undeveloped coastline at daytime. It is touted to b the he longest white beach in the Philippines. It is said to be three times longer than the most famous beach of Boracay. And people thought Palawan was all El Nido and Puerto Princesa only

Pong, Nance and Nikki, Ann with Jun and doc Lorraine. Only Brad, Jun and Ann,Nance and Nikki Engr Ric and BongT were the ones drinking but all of them were telling stories to Brad telling him all the great things in Taytay Palawan and exchanging laughs.
Brad would have regular medical missions to the far-flung parts of
Taytay Palawan. Brad would also be paraded and displayed wherever the Mayor went as a sign of his promise to give them a doctor. Brad was totally embarassed as he was asked to speak in the podium to address health- related matters. Yessiree, Brad had some choice words but he didn't want the listeners to expect great things that may come out as empty promises. Brad would mumble the words he was trying to convey. He hated the part of feeling like the circus monkey At first, He tried speaking but he was no public speaker. But for Brad it was fun travelling around seeing undiscovered  places travelling by sea and land visiting  marshlands that was almost totally isolated from civilization but Pong started hitting the bottle. It was like old times.He drank himself to drown his loneliness and to get a good sleep.There was even a time he woke up not inside  his mosquito net but the net wrapped around him like a blanket . He was too drunk to hang the mosquito net properly that he slumped drunk onto his plywood bed, Brad would frequent karaoke bars to sing and have one to seven bottles of beer. Brad's merry making was beginning to be a problem for him and some of the people have filed complaints that he could be unreachable at times.
He seems to be back to his old self. Uncaring of others and himself

Brown Eyes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora