XVII. Hazy images

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Six months later, Brad's hospital bills are ably covered by Eddie 's charitable act unknown to Brad. They
are a thing of the past. Chanda, though was having recurrent eye infections. However, when they referred the latest monthly lab results of Brad,  they were advised to maintain their dialysis sessions to twice a week much to the relief of. everybody
"It's feels like we are at the hospital almost everyday!" frowned Janette to Eddie. Janette has been juggling her hospital schedule and has accumulated a number of absences to the point that her payslip envelope has gotten lighter and lighter.As they  sat by the gazebo by the pool easily visible to Brad as Brad was lazily sitting on their porch across the street and they  were easily visible to Brad who was at their porch Janette told EddieI,'m embarassed to tell you this but  Brad had to continue his dialysis sessions twice a week,My family feels indebted  to  you, we don't know how to repay you Eddie." Aw, shucks! Janette  how many times do I have to tell you that I earned a lot from the sale of our estate in the province,
"It's  totally indifferent of me to rely on you alone , I will contribute  and so do will my brother's and sisters and their spouses and you are both dear friends and you are my best friend. I am just paying it forward, Eddie said encouragingly."You know I have been contemplating this for a while Eddie
"What do you think of a kidney transplant operation."That's the best option,"excitedly answered Eddie. But I can't think of any donor for Brad all his siblings are living far away.".""Do you know anyone at the NKTI to hasten a kidney donor and transplantation for your buddy, Brad, pleaded Janette."I'll ask around and start brainstorming tonight. Thank you very much, Eddie."as Janette bid farewell. An incensed Brad was waiting at the porch. " What was that all about?, Is there something I need to know about you two?" "There you go again , Brad. You don't know what you're talking about." Mom, I can't see clearly!" My vision is blurred,!".a panicked Chanda screamed.

The next morning Chanda was brought to the hospital and was seen by an ophthalmologist. crossed fingers they waited outside the clinic .After 30 minutes of Chanda being examined. The ophthalmologist called on them."Mam/Sir thanks God it's just a usual case of bacterial conjunctivitis "  as words seem to fall in deaf ears.Tears began to flow down Janette 's eyesEverything seems to  be in slow motion. After explaining everything  Chanda saw a hazy image  of a woman crying coming out of the clinic
Janette was crying and pounding Brad's chest. " What now!","At least he said there's a chance, and it's just conjunctivitis, sore eyes!Chanda clearly heard but was wondering what the doctor told his parents and what. the commotion was all about.

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