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2 months...

It's been 2 months, it's half way.

I am half way in this op.
I hate this part of undercover work. Nit being to see him, to talk to him, to have him hold me.
I miss the confort and the security I felt in his arms. At the times, I just want to go home.

For most undercovers cops, they have problems with their identities, guilt, being relaxed, not seeing danger in every turn. But no, none of these is a problem for me.

My problem is more complicated. I can't seem to far form HIM.
And because of my cover, I can't have anything that reveals my identities: no pictures of us, not my phone
I just have his favorite black sweater that I use to sleep in. It still smells like him. I can still imagine the strength and warmth of his arms around me.
God, Tim, I miss you so much and wish that you were here with me.

Next day

Knock, knock
I wake up quickly. With undercover work, you train your body to be alert st any noise even the sound of a mouse running and to be suspicious of anything.
So when i hear
"Police open"

I quickly get my gun which I hide behind my jacket, look through the door and see people wearing black armor and one of them have LAPD on his back.

"LAPD, open up"

LAPD?? Something's wrong. I am in Seattle
I open the door and 10 police LAPD officers enter the room

"Miss Armanda Shay, you are under arrest for drug trafficking in the red bull coffee shop here in Seattle. You have a right to remain silent, everything you say..."

Red bull.. Red bull was a codename established before the op by Harper, Lopez and I in case of a problem.

I am taking away from my studio and brought to the cop car where I find my detective partners.
"What happened?" I ask skipping the pleasantries
"What is going on? Tell me now, you are all scaring me. Is it Tamara? Nolan? Bailey? Sgt?..."
I know that I should said his namd first but saying it would have outspoken the possibility that  i don't want to face
They both looks at each other and nod.
My heart breaks
"I want to see him. I am pulling the plug NOW. You can't expect me to sit here while he's hurt. If I have to, I will send every piece of information to the next agent and do a video giving them assurance. If I lose my job over this, then be it. But I..."
"How long will this monologue go? 'Cause we have a plane to catch for LA"
says Harper annoyed
Lopez just shakes her head
"Well, we were about to tell you that we have a change of clothes on the plane and every piece of information on the shooting and his current condition. So, can we go now?"

I sit shocked. I didn't expect but I should have. They both love Tim and figured I would want to go. I also sure that they are off duty because of an emergency day off given by Sgt Grey.
I smile and we set off.

To the hospital

To my love

To Tim

Please be okay

I beg you

Unexpected Reunion -- ChenfordWhere stories live. Discover now