Sgt Grey/Harper

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"Well Tim has multiple shot wounds from the bullet and the shards. He did 2 flatlines before arriving to the hospital. He is stable now but he will be in critical condition, if you don't give me consent to the surgeries. We can either take everything out and hope for the best which is very risky right now because we would have to open a larger area and the 2 flatline are not a good indication on if he will survive the operation or we can take out the most dangerous shards and bullet and leave the rest but I am scared of the consequences afterwards because of their placements.
I know that this is hard but I need you to give your consent to one or the another and I need it in a hour."

She leaves me with the another thinking about both options to know which is best and which Tim would have chosen
We need Lucy as soon as possible, she knows the best.



Lopez and I have been goinf through ever piece of information we have on Lucy's location. It's been a few hours and still nothing. Around 1,5 month ago, the perp arrived and she stopped giving daily checks in. The last ine was 2 weeks ago in Las Vegas and a week before that Barcelona. She could be everywhere and anywhere.

Where is she?

We search for another hour before
"Found her" says a rookie.
Yes, we required the rookies because we needed to find her asap ASAP according the call I got from Sgt.
"She was in Seattle 2 days ago but from what I am seeing her burner phone didn't ping anywhere else. It's a long shot but it's worth a try, no?" She says shyly realising that what she could be saying could be completely wrong as it could be right
"Well, we don't have a choice. We need her back" says Lopez
"Half of you will stay her and or keep searching in other places or searching a place more specific than Seattle..." I say
"The other half you will come with us but in no circumstances will you intervene until we say so. Understood?" She finishes
They all nod their heads.

And we set off to Seattle.

Unexpected Reunion -- ChenfordUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum