"I 'dunno" kai replied, followed by a groan from him as he pressed his palm against his forehead in frustration.

"bro come on, listen to me man" I snapped, standing in front of the screen, interrupting their gaming session. Kai must have known where she had gone, it was just the game he was playing had taken up all his attention instead.

"NOVA" he called out but it sounded like a screech instead, calming that he would've scored if I wasn't in the way.

 "I'm not moving until you answer me" I retorted.

"she's out buying you a cake" he responded quickly, waving his hands in the air to signal me to move away.

My face brightened up at the mention of food, specifically one that i've always loved to eat. I was more than ecstatic about the cake as it was just in time for my cravings.

 I walked away, giggling softly as Zain missed his open goal, causing Kai to jump up and celebrate right in his face. They were acting like little kids, even though they were in their early twenties at this point.

"Kai, let me have a turn" i spoke up, finally deciding it was time for me to get a shot at this game. I wasn't going to sit around and simply watch them scream at eachother any longer.

"no ask zain for the controller" Kai remained stubborn, still not offering me the controller to play the game.

"zain, please?" I tried to act more polite than i really felt, hoping it would make zain feel bad for my cause. But that didn't seem to work either.

"no bro you're shit at fifa, ask kai" They were both against me on this, as Zain shook his head at me.

As kai nodded in agreement with zain, he replied, "I'm older, sorry."

I was fed up, and reached over to snatch the controller from Zain as he was still being annoying. He's so clumsy, he dropped the controller before I'd even touched it.

"Alright, finally. kai can we play the mode thing where it's me and you on the same team?" I looked over at him and he nodded with a sly smirk as he held his laugh in watching zain side in the corner of the couch, all fed up with me.

AN HOUR HAD passed, and my mum walked through the front door with a smile on her face. Her bag seemed to be full as she had it tightly wrapped in her arms.

"guess what I got you" she spoke with enthusiasm.

"cake?" I said, laughing when she immediately turned around, shooting a stare at zain.

"thank you, i love it" i side hugged her, giving her a quick kiss on the side of her head. She knew me very well to know that vanilla fruit cakes were my favorite. That creamy icing and sweet fruits on top just was too delicious to pass up on..

The rest of the day had been well spent, as we remained in the living room for the majority of the afternoon, so it was just us three playing.

We eventually switched to watching comedy shows and ate popcorn before the night was coming to a close.

 It was the calmest day I'd had in a while, able to just relax for once.

It felt strange to even read Marcus' text when he asked if he could visit my house for a day before he returned to Manchester in three days. I wasn't too sure how my family would feel towards him, as we weren't official either.

I felt as if I was doing something weird, even allowing a boy into my house,still being relatively new.

I quickly informed Marcus that he could visit my house tomorrow, setting my alarm early to give my family a warning. I'd just have to take my chances and hopefully, everything went well.


I feel like this chapter is slightly useless so just a filler one for now 😖

(make sure to not be a silent reader and engage with my chapters, write me funny comments bc they just help motivate me 😂 thank you)

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