Chapter 40: come over

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Mood for chapter: Dive- Victoria Monet
8:00 PM
Coco is currently on the phone with Lau and he's telling her about his new girl he met that he's thinks is the one.
Lau: belle I get butterflies when I see her
Coco: aww Lau that's cute
Lau: so who that guy on you instagram
Coco: that's Alex my  friend
Lau: it say love birds you date
Coco: *laughing* no it an inside joke
Incoming call Alex dad👶🏽
Coco: hey Lau your brother calling
Lau: ok belle I call later
Coco: hey Larry
Blaze: you go on date
Coco: what
Blaze: you instagram
Coco: umm you don't have instagram
Blaze: Lau send it
Coco: not him being a snitch and no we're just friends but there is this guy that a potential relationship could blossom
Blaze: yea
Coco: how you feel about that
Blaze: what you mean
Coco: if I get in a relationship
Blaze: I no happy about it we but as long as he respect me and my son I settle
Coco: please don't be the psycho baby daddy
Blaze: probably a couple months ago but no I no expect you to be lonely. You gonna be able to handle me with someone
Coco: why wouldn't I
Blaze: you get jealous
Coco: No well a little but I'll get over it
Blaze: oh yea I give you keys back I don't think it okay to pop now you have man
Coco: *shocked* blaze are you sick
Blaze: no we just in good space and I don't wanna ruin it
Coco: well thank you papa
Blaze: oh no no start that
Coco: what
Blaze: plus I know we endgame so
Coco: says who
Blaze: everybody know you mine we just have to fix some things
Coco: *rolling eyes* ok Larry kiss my baby bye
Blaze: *laughs* bye
Coco hangs up
Im relieved blaze took it so well at least on the surface actually seeing Brandon is going to be a test of his words. Apart of me feels there was some truth to his words eventually we will find our way back or I hope
Incoming call Brandon💚
B: hey
Coco: hey
B: you busy I'm in your area
Coco: no
B: come outside
Coco: boy what
B ends call
She smiles putting on her shoes grabbing her phone and purse and walks out the door to see his car. Coco enters the car and smiles.
Coco: hey
B smiles and reaches over pecking her lips
B: hey shawty
Coco: where you taking me
B: surprise
Coco: *blushes* okay
Coco and B are just vibing and listening to music when he pulls over
B: oh shit I forgot to set the location
B pulls over on the street typing in the address. Coco watches biting her lip thinking about how good he looks and sneaks a photo
B: what you smiling at
Coco: nothing
B: let me see
B leans over and she hides her phone laughing
B: aight
Coco: it's nothing I promise boo
B: *smirks* I'm your boo now
Coco: what I said that
B: naw don't try to be cool na
Coco: I mean I guess
B: cool you my mamas
Coco: *blushes*
B:  you look good
Coco: you have a pretty smile
B: thanks ma
Coco: what's taking so long
B: be patient
Coco playful rolls her eyes and stares out the window. The ride starts to get to her as she dozes off.
30 minutes later
B: aye we here
He looks and sees coco sleep and smirks he leans over unblocking her seat belt and kissing her cheek. Causing her to  stir and he does it again and she shifts and wraps her arms around his neck and lays on his shoulder.
B:*chuckles* mamas you gotta wake up don't you wanna have fun
Coco: no
B: mamas
Coco: *whines* ok fine
She lets go of B and he gets out the car walking to her side opening the door and grabbing her hand. She looks up and reads the sign
Coco: B I'm kick yo ass a horror escape room
B: what you scared
Coco: who told you this was a good idea
B: shawty relax you good
They walk in the building and get settled and put on these night vision goggles.
Coco: naw why we need these Brandon
B: *laughs*
Coco: I'ma fight you
B: if you do I'm let the monsters get you
Coco: *pouts* no
B: quit being mean then
Coco wraps her arm around B arm as they walk into the back.
B: we gotta follow the hallway to find clues
Coco: you don't see those random lockers open
B:* laughing* yea I see them
They are walking when a random man is seen at the end of the hallway with an object in his hand.
Coco: *whispers* what he got
B: idk it's to dark
Then the sound of an engine is heard and they realize it's a chainsaw and he running  right toward them. Coco screams B looks behind him and sees a door that says chainsaw restricted.
B: come on we gotta go
He pulls her as they run to the end of the hall the chainsaw man not to far and he pushes her in the door and locks it. Turning around and looking at her
Coco: what's the fuck Brandon what is this
B: you have to escape the chainsaw man and get back to the lobby in 20 minutes
Coco: or what
B: you lose
Coco: what happens if you lose
B: *smirks* you get cut
Coco: Brandon stop
B: calm down mama I'm playing
He walks towards her hugging her and pecking her lips as she burys her face in his neck.
B: you gon let me go so I can  look for clues
Coco: no
B:*laughs* ok jump
She jumps up and wraps her arms round him burying her face in his neck as he looks for  clues around the room.
B: look for clues mamas
Coco: ok
Coco: I found it
B: what
Coco: that code on the wall goes to that door over there that's locked we have to go through it
B: good job baby
Coco smiles burying her face back in his neck as he goes to open the door. After many jump scares and hiding they were to find all the clues or B was coco was to scared. They are back in the car and headed to a food place to eat
30 minutes later
They are seating at the table when the waiter walks up
Waiter: hi can I start you with your drinks
B: I'll have water
Coco: sprite
Waiter: alright coming up
B: you like the escape room
Coco:I was terrified
B: you did it though
Coco: thanks you and Alex really been keeping me busy and I appreciate it I had a rough month last year shit  really these last two years
B: maybe you tell me one day
Coco: yea
The drinks come out and they order their food laughing and smiles just enjoying each other company. The got their food and their eating when coco looks at B food
Coco: can I have a bite.
B: *chuckles* yea mamas
He reaches his hand over giving her some of his food. She smiles happy that he likes to share. He goes back to eating pulling out his other silverware
Coco: picture time
B: how did your homegirls like my photo
Coco: didn't show them you ghosted me
B: * chuckles* you erased a nigga
Coco: period
B:*smirks* aight
Coco: ooh I should use that Snapchat filter
B: *chuckles* you saying I'm ugly without the filter
Coco: punkin no it just enhances it
B: I got you baby take the picture
Coco smiles and takes the picture then goes on Snapchat's and adds the filter then save it to her gallery. A couple seconds later she posts it to her instagram story. Wanting to show off her man in her head.

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