Chapter 31: No Takebacks

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Mood for chapter:  Make it out Alive- NAO
Lau pov
Blaze: I come see you why you shirtless
Lau: i umm well kind of busy
Blaze: oh you with girl
Lau: yes Larry
Blaze walks in the door looking around getting a look at the scenery. Lau watches him in nervousness and hopes he will leave soon.
Blaze: how was dinner with maman and Sasha
Lau: it was the same as usual them upset you no come
Blaze: I not suprised
Lau: they also mad because they wanted to meet Belle
Blaze: belle ?
Lau: Courtney
Blaze: oh really ?
Lau: have you seen or found her yet
Blaze: no have you
Lau: ummm N-no I haven't unfortunately I'm kind of worried you know *rubs back of neck*
Blaze: you lying where is she Lau
Lau: Larry No start that blaze intimidation shit i you twin not some drug runner
Blaze: what she say when you talk to her
Lau: nothing just you tripping
Blaze: she tell why she leave
Lau: she wouldn't go into detail but she said you did something unforgivable
Blaze: *laughs bitterly* well delusion is her name
Lau: so what do you plan on doing to her once you find her hypothetically
Blaze: I gonna kill her like I should've at the dumb ass party
Lau: don't you think that extreme I mean she you girlfriend you let her in just to kill her. Y'all been through so much for it to end like this
Blaze: keeping her alive mistake so I fix it
Lau: I care about her deeply
Blaze: I know and that's why I come here
Lau: what
Blaze: I know would you try to stop me but even you can't. You may hate me and never talk to me again and I accept it that's how bad I want her dead
Lau: I no think belle is the root of all you problems she a scapegoat killing her gonna make you feel worse and like a monster
Blaze: I mad peace alread-
Lau sees blaze staring at something as his heart races. He hopes coco isn't out the room staring at them talk.
Blaze: she have same luggage
Lau: oh really it must be popular the girl say she got it off instagram
Blaze: I know she talk to you about what happen
Lau: I don't know what you want me to say
Blaze walks up to Lau looking him in his eyes
Blaze: as my twin I want you to help me find her tell me something. You like her okay but she no mean shit when it comes to us she outsider
Lau: that no true she family
Blaze looks at Laurent like he has two heads he can't believe his brother is this sprung over her unless they are still fucking.
Blaze: you fucking her again
Lau: Larry what the fuck no she you girlfriend. I no sleep with people girlfriend you do
Blaze: *smirks* really ? You girl is quiet
Lau: I told her to stay out until I come back
Blaze: can I meet her
Lau: what
Blaze: you no want you brother to meet you girl
Lau: this isn't a girlfriend Larry it's sneaky link a hookup purely sex
Blaze: so she flew all the way here just to have sex with you you think I stupid
Lau: very stupid and I no have to explain myself to you I grown ass man
Blaze: okay
Lau: why are you really here
Blaze: to see maman and Sasha
Lau: when
Blaze: tomorrow
Lau: okay well have fun
Blaze: I guess you want to get back to it
Lau: please
Blaze walks to the door looking at Laurent one more time before leaving as Laurent sighs and locks the door. he opens his security app and watches blaze drive off. He heads up stairs knocking on the door and says
Lau: belle he gone come out
Coco slowly unlocks the door and comes out to see Lau and she sighs in approval.
Lau: we need to talk downstairs now
Coco follows Lau downstairs as she takes her previous position on couch.
Lau: we have to get you back to Cali
Coco: what I just got here
Lau: I know belle but it not safe
Coco: why
Lau: he go visit mama and Sasha tomorrow they gonna talk about you even if I tell them not to
Coco: *sad* oh yea ok
Lau: I sorry belle
Coco: your brother keeps fucking up my life
It's currently 9:00 pm and Lau swiftly books her a flight back to cali as she gets dressed and grabs her luggage. He rushes and puts on a T-shirt and they rush to the car. The ride is mostly silent with coco staring out the window in exhaustion tired of running. Once at the airport Lau parks and helps her out the car in the lobby.
Lau: you plane leave in 5 mins belle
Coco: sorry our time got cut short I had a great time although brief sucks  I can't see your art show
Lau: we do it another time belle you come back when you have Alex
Coco: *weak smile* yea
Lau: I know you sad but shit go down when Larry find out I lie and you were upstairs whole time
Coco: yea sorry i put you in this position
Lau: nonsense come
Lau grabs her and hugs her tight rocking her back and forth as tears fall from her eyes. He kisses her forehead and rubs her stomach saying goodbye to Alex. She grabs her luggage walking to board the plane as she watches him leave and get back in his car waving one more time and pulls off.
Next day
2:00 pm
Laurent POV
I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared for my brother to find out the truth. He gonna be pissed I lied to him I should call belle and make sure she home.
Calling Belle😍
Coco: hello
Lau: belle you safe
Coco: yea I'm at Dre and Keisha's right now
Lau: that good no stay to long okay
Coco: he's back in Cali
Lau: no but to be safe
Coco: okay handsome I love you
Lau: I love you to belle bye
Lau ends call
I glad she safe and it make me feel better she not alone I hate this secretive drama my brother needs to grow the fuck up.
Knock on door
Oh shit it has to be Larry man this is gonna blow up in my face. I open a door to see an expressionless Larry which is weird.
Lau: you back already
He walks in  and closes the door and blaze turns around staring at Laurent.
Lau: what Larry I no have time for you bullshit
Blaze: oh really * punches Lau in the face*
Lau: what the fuck
Blaze: you lying bitch she upstairs anit she
Laurnet watches as Larry looks upstairs and pulls out his gun.
Lau: Larry put the gun away you fucking maniac she's not here.
Blaze ignores him jogging up the stairs looking in every room and closet. He comes back down and glares at Lau.
Blaze: Laurent that luggage was hers you brought that bitch to our home smiling and talking to mama and Sasha
Laurent: you out of line coming at me like this I not coco I kick you ass if you ever hit me again trust me I got a lot of anger built up try me * gets in blaze face*
Blaze: *smirks* really little brother
Phone rings
Blaze: answer it
Lau: Fuck off
blaze: Answer Now !!! and puts on speaker phone
Lau slowly walks over and answers the phone knowing who it is already and sighs putting it on speaker phone
Lau: hello
Coco: Laurent we need to talk
Blaze snatches the phone from Laurent and looks at it
Blaze: Courtney
Coco: blaze where's Lau
Blaze: it no fuckin matter are you fuckin crazy coming to France
Coco: I'm grown I can go where I please their not just your family I was invited asshole
Blaze: so you was girl upstairs and I knew you fuckin my brother again. So you here posing as my girlfriend but fuckin my brother. Wow Mercedes right you are a hoe
Coco: fuck you larry your delusional I don't care what you think your  gonna believe what you want anyway and fuck that std having ass bitch
Blaze: I knew it had be deeper why would my twin protect you unless you fucking him
Coco: I'm not slut unlike you going to abortion clinics you trifling ass nigga
Blaze: what you say
Coco: yea I saw you and that bitch leaving the abortion clinic. We get in one disagreement and you fuck that STD having bitch. You anit shit
Blaze: how you know that
Coco: don't fucking worry about it bitch you not the only one with eyes and ears
Blaze: Courtney I'm going to kill you
Coco: your literally all talk and no bite fuck you I didn't fuck Laurent but next time I am and I'm make him my nigga and live happily ever after kissing your mama and wedding planning with your sister since you fuck bitches and get abortions fuck nigga
Laurent: BELLE
Coco: No Larry so we get other bitches pregnant now especially Mercedes you that desperate for a nut. You act like sex is not important when we together. I thought you was grown man you a little ass boy that's gonna end up dead with your stupid ass and you think you so untouchable you illiterate ass nigga suck my dick and get the fuck off my phone
Coco ends call
Laurent sits there in amazement he can't believe coco went off like that it he can tell she's been holding that in but then he gets angry thinking about abortion he walks up and shoves Larry
Lau: Fuck she mean abortion bitch
Blaze: don't fuck with me im warning you
Lau: you got that nasty hoe pregnant
Blaze looks at Laurent and puts his gun back in his waistband and walks up to Lau slowly.
Blaze: you interfere again and I kill you I no care if you my brother you moving like enemy
Lau: what the fuck did you just say
Blaze: I no stutter
Lau: get the fuck out my house now and fuck you bitch I didn't need you then and I don't need you know Laurent is straight with out you always will be and you no dictate what I do. You no know what I capable of no force my hand Larry so get the fuck out my house NOW!!!
Blaze: fuck you and that bitch
Blazes walks toward the door and stepping out as lau slams the door locking it. He watches Larry drive off as he sighs a few tears falling.
Coco POV
Kiesha: that was intense
Dre: coco why you talk to  that man like that you just giving that nigga ammunition
Coco: well that nigga gotta full clip fuck him
4 hours later
Coco is back at the condo still angry about the conversation that was had when she feels Alex kick. She sighs and remembers the bigger picture and that Alex is more important then his wack ass daddy's drama. I think I have to accept me and Larry won't be and possibly alex and Larry won't be and that hurts

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