Chapter 14: plottin

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Mood for chapter: bed- sza

Berkeley , California
2:00 PM
Coco has been contemplating if she should go through with this. She isn't the type of person and isn't spiteful at all. However, her heart is broken and she wants blaze to feel what she felt but worse. It was also Laurent's feelings. She didn't wanna hurt him by acting like  she genuinely liked him when she just wanted to hurt his anit shit ass brother. Plus she is sure his brother not talking to him is already causing him a world of hurt. Maybe she could genuinely fall for him and that would hurt blaze even more and spare Laurent's feelings. She doesn't know where to start but she know who does
Calling Normani ( mani) 😇
Mani: hello
Coco: hey girl you busy
Mani: No girl what's up
Coco: I have a hypothetical question
Mani: * curious* okay
Coco: let's say you and nigga chilling doing stuff acquaintances  don't do. When you call it out and want more he play in your face. Acting like it never happened. How would you show him you not to be played with.
Mani: depends is the goal hoping for him to realize your the prize or  you just wanna hurt that nigga
Coco: hurt that nigga
Mani: he got any brother or close friends
Coco: let's say he has a brother
Mani: they close
Coco: No
Mani: does he talk about his brother
Coco: No
Mani: well I would make his brother my boyfriend and pop out with the nigga and act like it was a coincidence.
Coco: how would you do that
Mani: heart eye and likes some of his pictures then DM on some you some you fine as shit and go from there dates etc. might even drop that pussy on him if I'm really mad at my nigga
Coco: thanks mani I knew you would be well versed in this area
Mani: coco what are you planning to do
Coco: it's not about me
Mani: cut the shit coco what are you doing
Coco: nothing and can you keep this conversation between us and not the girls
Mani: yes but coco seriously this is a dangerous game your potentially playing. Niggas don't play about they family. Bitches get beat up or killed by they nigga for fucking they brother or homie hopping.
Coco: mani chill I'm fine and I'm not doing anything
Mani: be safe coco seriously I would hate for something to happen to you over this mysterious nigga
Coco: I hear you bestie
Mani ends call
Even though I was blinded by revenge my conversation with mani brought me back to realty for a couple minutes. She was right this is a dangerous game especially with the players involved. I literally watched blaze kill someone for something that technically wasn't truce's fault. He a literal killer I've seen him do it and bringing his brother out the shadows let alone in my bed he would surely kill me and spit on my grave. This isn't a half brother this is his identical twin who he has nothing to do with. Also if Laurent found out I was using him to hurt blaze he may flip his shit. Something tells me they have similar attitudes. I would be parading Laurent to my friends and introduce him as the boy with the Afro even though it was really blaze they saw.Tyler would know the difference though. I would have to be honest with him and tell him not to tell blaze or Dre. It's a lot of loose ends to cover and there's no way for this to end then in flames. Are you sure about this Courtney ? Do you wanna be blazes enemy. I need another opinion

Calling Asia👭🏿
Asia: heyyy sis I haven't heard from  you in over a week
Coco: sorry sis school has been kicking my ass
Asia: so how's Berkeley
Coco: eventful, anyway how's the house with mom and dad
Asia: girl I been at Chauncey's religiously you were the only reason i could half way bare living there
Coco: you and Chauncey are pretty serious huh
Asia: yea almost two years it feels so much longer it has been. It feels time escapes when your being  loved properly
Coco: that's good I'm happy for you sis
Asia : I wanted to talk to you about something. Chauncey wants to take our relationship to the next level and he wants me to move in with him
Coco: you sure your ready for that big step
Asia: yea I'm excited for it
Coco: I'm happy for you and think you should do it
Asia: thanks sis
Coco: hey Asia have you ever done or thought about doing something in spite to hurt someone that hurt you
Asia: yes why
Coco: we're you able to come back from it or was it worth in the end or just a moment
Asia: at the time it felt worth it I wanted my ex to feel what I felt. Cry how I cried and I achieved that. It was gratifying at first but the high I was on didn't last long and I felt worse then before. I don't know if your thinking about doing something or have already done it but don't make a permanent decision on a temporary feeling. It never ends well our mind makes us think this event is always going to hurt us when time and reflection are the best healers. I wish I knew that sooner before I choose the path I did don't make the same  mistake okay sis
Coco: I hear you sis
Asia: I'm about to head in work thanks for calling me and call me more often I love you Courtney
Coco: I love you too Asia
Asia ends call
Is blaze a temporary feeling ?

Coco has a lot to take in from mani and Asia's advice. What do you think she should choose or will choose. Can she live with her choices if she goes through pursuing Laurent.

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